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Pirata edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 12 revisions

Disconnect (if BLE is active)

do I need to explain that?

BLE Scan

Scan for BLE devices nearby.


Emulate a keyboard and deploy DuckyScripts in your devices. It need to be previusly paired to the device to work, and once you Disconnect BLE, you need to Restart the device to use again.

Media Cmds

Use media commands to control your Smartphone media, taking screenshots, play/pause songs, stop, etc..

NRF24 Jammer

Powerfull 2.4Ghz Jammer, with the NRF24 Module, on SD Card Sniffer or directly connected to the M5StickC It uses the same GPIO from cc1101 in Cardputer


BLE Spams

iOS Spams

AppleJuice iOS Bluetooth device pairing spam. (added on 1.0.0) SourApple iOS Bluetooth device pairing crash exploit. (added on 1.0.0)


Bluetooth device notification spamming for SwiftPair (Windows) and Android. (added on 1.0.0)

Android Spam

Bluetooth device notification spamming for Android. (added on 1.0.0)


Bluetooth device notification spamming for Samsung devices. (added on 1.0.0)

Spam All