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Develop with Bruce

Valou edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 11 revisions


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Bruce structure
  3. Dependencies
  4. Development
    1. Add a new item in the main menu
    2. Draw a new icon
    3. Add or modify menus
    4. Add or modify sub-menus
    5. Module functions


First you need to clone the repository and build Bruce from sources. You will find the documentation here:

  1. [optionnal] but recommended: work from a Python virtualenv
  2. build your firmware
  3. install your build

Bruce structure

Main code in src/core and modules in src/modules. In module repository, we have one folder for each category. Don't hesitate to ask in the Discord where to add the files for your module. Here we will create a new directory and new files:

|-- core/
|---- menu_items/
|-- modules/
|------ lora/
        |---- lora.h
        |---- lora.cpp


If you need to install a new library, you have to choices:

  1. use pio package manager
  2. add your custom library in lib/

Pio package manager If you want to install dôme librairies, you can search or install them like:

pio pkg search mylib
pio pkg install -l mylib

Warning: do not commit the auto generated file. Instead add your lib in the adequat section of the file. Or ask on the Discord where to write it.

Custom library Simply put your lib in `lib/mylib'. Then you can import it with:

#include "../lib/mylib/mylib.h"


As an exemple, we will see how to add a LoRa module in Bruce. This is a 868 MHz RF module with dedicated protocol. But we are not interested in how LoRa works, it's just for the templating.

Add a new item in the main menu

You can either add a feature in an existing menu, or create a new item in the main menu. We will first see how to add an item.

Register an item

We need to register our item by modifying 2 files:

  • src/core/menu_items/LoRaMenu.h
  • src/core/menu_items/LoRaMenu.cpp

In `LoRaMenu.h, we declare the menu object with the mandatory methods:

  • optionsMenu() --> declare the menu options
  • draw() --> draw the item in main menu
  • getName --> return the name of the menu

In the end, it looks like this:

#ifndef __LORA_MENU_H__
#define __LORA_MENU_H__

#include "MenuItemInterface.h"

class LORAMenu : public MenuItemInterface {
    void optionsMenu(void);
    void draw(void);
    String getName(void);

    String _name = "LoRa";
    void configMenu(void);


Now in LoRaMenu.cpp we will declare the methods we need. Their contents will be explained later in this tutorial.

#include "LoRaMenu.h"
#include "core/display.h"
#include "modules/lora/lora.h"

void LoRaMenu::optionsMenu() {
    // We will see that later (see bellow)


String LoRaMenu::getName() {
    return _name;

void LoRaMenu::draw() {
    // We will see that later (see bellow)

We're done for the register part. Now, we need to develop the content of the 2 methods previously declared:

  1. LoRaMenu::draw() --> the icon that will be draw on screen
  2. LoRaMenu::optionsMenu() --> the declaration of the menu when the main item is selected

Draw a new icon


drawLoRa() With this function, you can draw your own icon. To be able to draw, you can use the following functions:

Function Description
tft.drawLine() Draw a simple line
tft.drawRect() Draw a rectangle
tft.drawRoundRect() Draw a rounded border rectangle
tft.drawCentreString() Display a screen center on coordinates
tft.drawCircle() Draw a circle
tft.drawArc() Draw an arc
tft.fillRect() Draw and fill a rectangle
tft.fillRoundRect() Draw and fill a rounded border rectangle
tft.fillCircle() Draw and fill a circle
tft.fillScreen() Fill the whole screen

Here is an exemple of the definition in src/core/menu_items/LoRaMenu.cpp:

void LoRaMenu::draw() {
  // Blank

  tft.drawCentreString("L o R a",40+x, 40+y, SMOOTH_FONT);

Add or modify menus



We need to declare the options, like we started in src/core/menu_items/LoRaMenu.cpp. For this we use the loopOptions() function. This function takes as an argument an options object. In parameter, the *_run are functions called when the option will be selected by the user. For now, those functions do not exist. Here is an exemple:

void LoRaMenu::optionsMenu() {
  options = {
    {"LoRa Gw",         [=]() { lora_gw_run(); }},
    {"Messenger",       [=]() { lora_msg_run(); }},
    {"Scan nets",       [=]() { lora_scan_run(); }},
    {"Main Menu",       [=]() { backToMenu(); }}

Return to the main menu You can notice the backToMenu() call. It's only switching a global boolean: returnToMenu. This way you can implement a main menu return like this:

if (!returnToMenu) {
  // Run you stuff

// Will return to main menu after you last call

Add or modify sub-menus


You may want to be able to draw a sub-menu, for exemple if you want to scan the nework ids, the use select the option and then a sub-menu appears with the found results. For this you can do the exact same thing as a simple menu, it will automatically detect you'are in a sub-menu. Moreover, you can dynamically generate your sub-menu options like this.

This is a module specific feature, so the declaration will be in src/modules/lora/lora.h:

void lora_scan_run();

Here is an exemple of a dumb scan with dynamic options, in src/modules/lora.cpp:

void lora_scan_run() {
  char number[1];
  // Display a banner while scanning runs in the background
  displayRedStripe("Scanning..", TFT_WHITE, FGCOLOR);

  options = { };
  for(int i=1; i<10; i++) {
    sprintf(number, "Scan %d", i);
    options.push_back({number,    [=]()  { /*do_things(i);*/ }});
  options.push_back({"Main menu", [=]() { backToMenu(); }});


Module functions

You can now start to code the main functions of your module. Here we already made a call for lora_gw_run() and lora_msg_run(). Start to declare them in src/modules/lora/lora.h:

void lora_scan_run();
void lora_gw_run();
void lora_msg_run();

Then code the functions in src/modules/lora/lora.cpp:

#include "lora.h"

// Important imports to play with buttons, keyboard, screen etc.
#include "core/globals.h"
#include "core/display.h"
#include "core/mykeyboard.h"

void lora_gw_run() {
  // Do some stuff

void lora_msg_run() {
  // Do some stuff