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Karol Stawowski edited this page Jan 19, 2025 · 47 revisions

How to transfer files to/from the SD/LittleFS memory?

Use the WebUI

Default passwords?

For AP mode wifi network the password is brucenet.

For the WebUI, username=admin, password=bruce

IR/RF transmitter/receiver not working?

Feature X is missing in my device?

Check the table here.

e.g. BadUSB is only available on ESP32-S3-based devices.

Port to other boards?

For unsupported boards you have to manually add a new configuration environment in the platformio.ini, and define the pins for the modules to be connected, buttons and LCD. Then, compile the firmware for your new env. Depending on the board more code changes may be needed.

For boards that do not have a display and buttons, an headless mode was added. Headless boards can be controlled only via the WebUI and serial commands, and provide a subset of all the Bruce features.

A sample env for the esp32-s3-devkitc-1 board is defined here, it should work with any headless ESP32-S3 boards.

What kind of files i need to put on the SD card?

There is some file examples of what you can do in here, including evil portal templates, nfcs and infrared

How do i customize Bruce?

You can choose a startup image other than Bruce's default by adding your image as 'boot.jpg' or 'boot.gif' on the root of the filesystems, you can also choose a startup sound if you have a file named 'boot.mp3' for it. Also its possible to render images on the Bruce itself via the LittleFS or SD Card manager.