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Filesystem Utilities

0xtavian edited this page Aug 22, 2021 · 23 revisions


A little cheatsheet to help you on your way!


Pick a Packer provisioner 🐣

You must run axiom-configure before anything else. This creates your axiom.json file which is required by other commands.


We currently offer three different base provisioner files, and 2 custom provisioner file to build images.

  • Default is our latest iteration of axiom provisioners. It comes with all tools installed and has been optimized for readability. Recommended for axiom-feet.
  • ReconFTW provisioner includes all tools in ReconFTW and works with all modules. Recommended for
  • Barebones is our decently secure base install, comes with Docker, Go-lang, Interlace and nmap installed. Recommended for templating.

Custom Images:

  • Classic provisioner works with most modules and was the first iteration of axiom provisioner files.
  • Light provisioner comes with zsh and a few other minor adjustments over the barebones provisioner.

  • If you want to bring-your-own Packer JSON provisioner, select custom. Make sure your packer json is placed in ~/.axiom/images/provisioners


Initialize a single instance 🌱

axiom-init <name> # Init
axiom-init <name> --deploy=<profile> --restore=<box> # Init & deploy & restore 
#Note: profile argument is file name is without .json

the --deploy option allows you to deploy a profile (stored in ~/.axiom/profiles/). --restore will restore a profile. These options can be used together.


Connect to an instance - axiom-connect**

axiom-connect #automatically connects to list initialized instance
axiom-connect <name>
axiom-ssh <name> <ssh args>
axiom-ssh <name> --tmux
axiom-ssh <name> -m -t=<tmux session> # Connect with mosh and attach to tmux session
axiom-ssh <name> -m -t=main-15
axiom-ssh <name> -L 8080: -D 4040 # All additional SSH args are passed to SSH
axiom-ssh <name> --cache # Don't generate ssh config, just connect with cache
axiom-ssh --just-generate # Generate an SSH config at ~/.axiom/.sshconfig


Backup an initialized instance to the cloud 🧳


After running axiom-init you can set up config files, unique wordlists, private tools etc, take a snapshot of that image and use it to deploy future axiom instances/fleets.


Backup the home directory of an initialized instance to the local filesystem

axiom-sync instance01

This allows you to download a copy of everything in an axiom instance to the local filesystem


List all box backups 🧠

axiom-boxes ls # List boxes
axiom-boxes ls --archive # List archived boxes
axiom-boxes new <box> # Create a blank box backup
axiom-boxes rm <box> # Delete a box backup 
axiom-boxes archive <box>  # Archive a box (tarball & gpg -e)
axiom-boxes unarchive <box> # Unarchive (from ~/.axiom/archives/), gpg decrypts
axiom-boxes get pry0cc/lazy # Get a box from  github, username/repo

Using the archive option will convert the box to a tarball and encrypt using the email specified in your account ~/.axiom/accounts/*.json


Switch to a new region 🧭

axiom-region ls # lists regions
axiom-region select <region> # select region

axiom-region select ams2


Manage user accounts

axiom-account-setup # Setup a new account
axiom-account # No args, list available accounts
axiom-account <account> # Select/Switch to the specified account


Copy files to and from hosts

Copy a remote file from all instances in myfleet to local file. '$name' must be wrapped single quotes. '$name' is a required literal string and gets interpolated from the instance name.

axiom-scp 'myfleet*':/home/op/myfile.txt '~/local/folder/$name.txt'

Copy a remote folder from all instances in myfleet to local folder. '$name' must be wrapped single quotes. '$name' is a required literal string and gets interpolated from the instance name.

axiom-scp 'myfleet*':/home/op/myfile/ '~/local/folder/$name'

Copy a remote file from one instance 'myfleet05' to a local file

axiom-scp myfleet05:/home/op/myfile-from-myfleet05.txt '~/local/folder/myfile-from-myfleet05.txt'

Copy a local file to all instances in myfleet, for example uploading a custom wordlist

axiom-scp myfile.txt 'myfleet*':/home/op/myfile.txt

Copy a local folder to all instances in myfleet, for example uploading a folder of custom nuclei templates

axiom-scp mytemplates/ 'myfleet*':/home/op/custom-templates 


Deploy a profile 🦾

axiom-select '<instance>'
axiom-select 'testy*'  # Testy is an example of a fleet
axiom-deploy openvpn # Install openvpn against host or fleet
axiom-deploy covenant # Install covenant

All profiles can be found in ~/.axiom/profiles

Connect to a remote axiom instance Docker (over ssh)

axiom-select <instance>
. axiom-docker # Not a typo, the . means source
docker ps


Connect to an OpenVPN Server Deployed by Axiom

axiom-vpn <instance>


Proxy through a set of hosts (or one)

axiom-proxy '<fleet>*'
axiom-proxy '<instance>'
axiom-proxy 'testy*'
proxychains4 curl -s

This will SSH tunnel all hosts to a range of local ports,, then generate a proxychains configuration file to ./proxychains.conf


Create a DNS A record Currently only supported by Digital Ocean

axiom-dns ls # List domains
axiom-dns ls <domain> # List records for domain
axiom-dns add <subdomain> <domain> <ip address>
axiom-dns add cisco # Example, this will create a record pointing to 

Domain names can be hosted in DigitalOcean (


Initialize a fleet 🚀

axiom-fleet -i=13 # Initialize a fleet, name it randomly
axiom-fleet testy -i=8 # Initialize a fleet named 'testy', instances will be named, testy01, test02 etc
axiom-fleet testy -i=10 --regions=NYC1,LON1,TOR1 # Initialize a fleet using round-robin region distribution  


Scanning using a fleet 🚀 Modules are in ~/.axiom/modules/

axiom-select 'fleet*' # fleets should be already selected, but just in case, select can be a good idea

# Format
axiom-scan <input> -m <module> -o <text outfile> <any other args>

# Examples
axiom-scan subs.txt -m httpx -o http.txt # httpx module
axiom-scan http.txt -m nuclei -o nuclei.txt # nuclei module, find vulns
axiom-scan http.txt -m gowitness -o screenshots # gowitness, take screenshots
axiom-scan subs.txt -m dnsprobe -o dns.txt # Run dnsprobe

axiom-scan ips.txt -m nmap -oG portscan.txt # nmap
axiom-scan ips.txt -m nmap -oX portscan # Will create both portscan.xml & portscan.html
axiom-scan ips.txt -m nmap -oX full -p- -T5 -sV --script=vulners # Will create full.xml, will pass all args to nmap command

axiom-scan ips.txt -m masscan -oG masscan.txt # Run masscan


Execute a command against an Instance 🤖

axiom-exec '<command>' '<instance>' # Execute a command against an instance
axiom-exec '<command>' '<instance>' --cache # Execute a command, use cached connection
axiom-exec '<command>' '<instance>' -q --cache  # Execute silent, just show command output

axiom-exec 'nmap -T5' 'testy01' -q --cache  # Example
axiom-execb 'nmap -T5' 'testy01' -q --cache
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