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Filesystem Utilities

0xtavian edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 23 revisions

So I have my axiom instance, how do I get my files onto my instance, say a custom wordlist?

This is a good question and a common problem, and one I have tried really hard to solve. That means there are a few answers to this.

Using axiom-scp

If you've ever used scp, you'll know it makes moving files between local and remote machines a low-effort task.

axiom-scp attempts to mimic this usefulness while abstracting away a lot of things.

Assuming your instance is called jerry, and you can see it in axiom-ls, and assuming you want to move a local file "wordlist.txt" to the home directory of our jerry instance.

# axiom-scp <local src file> <instance>:<full remote path>
# axiom-scp <instance>:<full remote path> <local file destination>
# axiom-scp wordlist.txt jerry:~/wordlist.txt

To copy a file from every single instance to the local file system you can use a wildcard. You must specify an output directory. $name is required and is a literal string that gets interpolated.

# axiom-scp '<instance>*':/full/path/to/file 'output/$name.txt'

To copy a file or folder from the local file system to every instance, for example a folder of nuclei templates, simply specify the local path you wish to copy, the fleet prefix+asterisk wrapped in quotes followed by a colon and full path to the remote instance 'buck*':/home/op/custom-templates.

# axiom-scp mytemplates/ 'buck*':/home/op/custom-templates

Axiom will relay this data onto rsync with compression to move the file. How it works under the hood is really cool, so I suggest you check it out :D



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