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0xtavian edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 4 revisions

Spinning up and managing individual instances is easy, however, what about several instances?

A bunch of instances, usually an odd number, 3 or greater, is known as a fleet. A fleet consists of a set of hosts, these can be used for parallel file transfers, scans, or parallel command execution.


  Spin up fleets of axiom instances in one or multiple regions.
  Specify the name of your fleet (fleet prefix) or have axiom choose for you.
  axiom-fleet # Spin up three instances, let axiom decide on the fleet prefix
  axiom-fleet javis -i 10 # Spin up 10 instances with fleet prefix javis from javis01 to javis10
  axiom-fleet jerry -i 25 --regions nyc1,lon1,ams3,fra1 # Spin up 25 instances using Round-robin region distribution
  -i/--instances <integer>
    The number of instances to spin up
  -r/--regions <regions> (optional)
    Supply comma-separated regions to cycle through (default is region in ~/.axiom/axiom.json)
  --help (optional)
    Display this help menu

The above command will start a fleet called "jarvis" with 5 instances. Automatic shutdown of droplets has been deprecated, we noticed it was mostly unused and added more complexity than it paid off. If you want to see a return of automatic disposal - please make an issue!

List instances

List your new running instances:


Select your instances

To use your instances in parallel activities, you need to select them:

axiom-select 'jarvis*'

This will remember what instances are in your fleet, and put these in a temporary cache file in ~/.axiom/selected.conf

Execute a command on every instance

axiom-exec 'ifconfig eth0'

The above command will run this command on all instances, watch as you can concurrently execute single tasks.

Execute a command in the background on every instance

axiom-execb 'ifconfig eth0'

Upload a file to all instances in a fleet

axiom-scp 'wordlist.txt' 'jarvis*':'~/wordlist.txt'

This will in parallel upload the wordlist, this can be done for both uploads and downloads.

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