All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Default version of the ALB Ingress Controller has been updated to v1.1.7.
- Additional IAM permissions have been specified to allow the ALB ingress controller to manage WAF2 using new wafv2 annotations (introduced in v1.1.7).
- Additional pod labels and annotations can now be configured.
- The amount of replicas can now be freely configured.
- The update strategy of pods within the Kubernetes deployment has been set to
. This should fix "stuck" updates. (#6)
- Default version of the ALB Ingress Controller has been set to 1.1.6.
- Support for AWS Shield related annotations has been added. This new feature needs a bunch of new AWS IAM permissions which have been added to the IAM policy used by the ALB Ingress Controller.
- An unset IAM path prefix no longer leads to errors. (#4)
- Add ARN of the IAM role used by the ALB Ingress controller as output variable.
- Improve documentation of input variables.
- The type of the Kubernetes cluster can no be specified.
Set this to
if targeting a managed EKS Cluster. - If targeting EKS clusters, pods will use IAM roles for service accounts as intended by AWS. (#3)
- The default version of the controller has been set to v1.1.5
- Module has been updated to Terraform 0.12 format. (#1)
- Kubernetes labels have been updated to comply with known best practices.
- Initial version