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Security Report Prototype

  • The security report prototypes are defined in

Physical Prototype

  • Class RxomsPhysicalReport is the prototype for the security report at physical layer. It can be used to report anomalies in the physical layer. The report includes the following attributes:
    • id: The unique identifier of the report.
    • detector: The tool that detected the anomaly.
    • anomaly: The anomaly detected.
    • monitor: The monitor provide data supporting the detection.
    • physical_entity : The physical entity where the anomaly was detected.
    • report_time: The time when the report was generated.
  • Class RxomsDetector is the prototype for the detector. It includes the following attributes:
    • id: The unique identifier of the detector.
    • detector_name: The name of the detector.
    • ml_algorithm: The machine learning algorithm used by the detector.
    • last_update: The time when the detector was last updated (e.g., retrain the ML model).
    • detection_time: The time when the detector detected the anomaly.
    • configuration: The current configuration of the detector.
    • detecting: The list of entities that the detector is managing.
    • metadata: The metadata of the detector.
    • performance: The current performance of the detector. -Class RxomsAnomaly: The prototype for reporting anomaly. It includes the following attributes:
    • id: The unique identifier of the anomaly.
    • common_metric: The common metric used to detect the anomaly.
    • ml_metric: The machine learning metric used to detect the anomaly.
    • anomaly_result: The result of the anomaly detection.
    • anomaly_flow: The flow of the anomaly detected (only apply for detecting flow anomaly).
  • Class RxomsMonitor is the prototype for the monitor. It includes the following attributes:
    • user_id: The unique identifier of the monitoring probe.
    • instance_id: The unique identifier of the monitored instance.
    • stage_id: The unique identifier of the monitored stage.
    • functionality: The functionality of the monitored instance.
    • application_name: The name of the monitored application.
    • role: The role of the monitored instance.
    • monitoring_time: The time when the monitoring data was collected.
  • Class RxomsDT is the prototype for the digital twin instance. It includes the following attributes:
    • id: The unique identifier of the digital twin.
    • mac: The MAC address of the digital twin.
    • ip: The IP address of the digital twin.
    • status: The status of the digital twin.
    • type: The type of the digital twin.
    • last_update: The time when the digital twin was last updated.
    • name: The name of the digital twin.
    • norm_value: The normal values of the digital twin.

Logical Prototype

  • Class RxomsLogicalReport is the prototype for the security report at logical layer. It can be used to report incident in the logical layer. The report includes the following attributes:

    • id: The unique identifier of the report.
    • incident: A dictionary that contains the information of the incident (each incident is as type RxomsIncident).
    • incident_cause: The cause of the incident.
    • incident_consequence: The consequence of the incident.
  • Class RxomsIncident is the prototype for the incident. It includes the following attributes:

    • id: The unique identifier of the incident.
    • incident_type: The type of the incident.
    • incident_metadata: Metadata of the incident providing readable information about the incident for security analyst.
    • metrics: The metrics related to the incident
    • runtime_pattern: The runtime pattern of the incident.
    • last_update : The time when the incident was last updated.
  • Class RxomsIncidentCause is the prototype for the incident cause. It includes the following attributes:

    • root_cause: The root cause of the incident - dictionary containing the entities causing the incident.
  • Class RxomsIncidentConsequence is the prototype for the incident consequence. It includes the following attributes:

    • target_dt: The target digital twin of the incident.
    • affected_dt: The affected digital twin of the incident.

Other Prototypes

  • Class RxomsCTI is the prototype for the Cyber Threat Intelligence. It includes the following attributes:

    • id: The unique identifier of the CTI.
    • mitigation: The mitigation of the CTI.
  • Class RxomsFlow is the prototype for network flow. It includes the following attributes:

    • id: The unique identifier of the flow.
    • eth_dst: The destination MAC address of the flow.
    • switch: The switch that the flow is passing through.
    • in_port: The input port of the flow.
    • last_update: The time when the flow was last updated.
    • mean_byte_count: The normal byte count of the flow.
    • mean_packet_count: The normal packet count of the flow.
    • recent_byte_value: The recent byte count of the flow.
    • recent_packet_value: The recent packet count of the flow.
    • status: The status of the flow.
  • Class RxomsSwitch is the prototype for the switch, inherited from RxomsDT. In addition to the attributes of the RxomsDT, it includes the following attributes:

    • max_byte: The maximum byte capacity of the switch.
    • max_packet: The maximum packet capacity of the switch.
    • port: The dictionary includes DTs connected to ports of the switch.
    • sum_byte: The sum of byte count of the flows passing through the switch.
    • sum_packet: The sum of packet count of the flows passing through the switch.
  • Class RxomsResponse is the prototype for the response from RXOMS's services. It includes the following attributes:

    • status: The status of the response.
    • data: The data of the response.
    • error: The error message if the request is processed with error.
  • Class RxomsProtector is the prototype for the protector. It includes the following attributes:

    • tool_id: The unique identifier of the protector.
    • functionality: The functionality of the protector.
    • last_update: The time when the protector was last updated.
  • Class RxomsIncidentTime is the prototype for the incident time. It includes the following attributes:

    • start_time: The start time of the incident.
    • duration: The duration of the incident.
  • Class RxomsIncidentPattern is the prototype for the incident pattern. It includes the following attributes:

    • incident_time: The time when the incident was detected.
    • pattern: The pattern of the incident.
  • Class RxomsSecurityPlan is the prototype for the security plan. It includes the following attributes:

    • plan: The plan of the security.
  • Class RxomsSinditReport is the prototype for the monitoring report from the SINDIT network.