diff --git a/bin/jq-repl-preview b/bin/jq-repl-preview
index cd1c994..9339453 100755
--- a/bin/jq-repl-preview
+++ b/bin/jq-repl-preview
@@ -11,25 +11,25 @@ trap 'rm -f "$out"' EXIT
 # for colorizing stderr
 red() {
-	while read -r line; do
-		printf "\033[31m%s\033[0m\n" "$line"
-	done
+  while read -r line; do
+    printf "\033[31m%s\033[0m\n" "$line"
+  done
 # prints preview query result to stdout, colorizes stderr to red
 do_query() {
-	# JQ_REPL_ARGS has to be unquoted so it's passed as cli args to jq so
-	# word splitting is desirable here
-	# shellcheck disable=SC2086
-	$JQ_REPL_JQ --color-output ${JQ_REPL_ARGS:-} "$query" "$input_file"
+  # JQ_REPL_ARGS has to be unquoted so it's passed as cli args to jq so
+  # word splitting is desirable here
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+  $JQ_REPL_JQ --color-output ${JQ_REPL_ARGS:-} "$query" "$input_file"
 } 2> >(red)
 echo "Last successful jq expression: $query" | red >"$out"
 echo "Last success output:" | red >>"$out"
 if do_query | tee -a "$out"; then
-	# save successful query plus the result
-	mv "$out" "$last_success_file"
+  # save successful query plus the result
+  mv "$out" "$last_success_file"
-	# print previously saved successful query
-	cat "$last_success_file"
+  # print previously saved successful query
+  cat "$last_success_file"
diff --git a/jq.plugin.zsh b/jq.plugin.zsh
index 35e85f4..2f274aa 100755
--- a/jq.plugin.zsh
+++ b/jq.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
 if [[ -o zle ]]; then
-__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe() {
+  __lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe() {
     # Strip a trailing pipe and its surrounding whitespace.
     sed -E 's/[[:space:]]*\|[[:space:]]*$//' <<<"$LBUFFER"
+  }
-__get_query() {
+  __get_query() {
     if [ "${JQ_ZSH_PLUGIN_EXPAND_ALIASES:-1}" -eq 1 ]; then
-        unset 'functions[_jq-plugin-expand]'
-        functions[_jq-plugin-expand]=$(__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe)
-        (($+functions[_jq-plugin-expand])) && COMMAND=${functions[_jq-plugin-expand]#$'\t'}
-        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-        jq-repl -- ${COMMAND}
-        return $?
+      unset 'functions[_jq-plugin-expand]'
+      functions[_jq - plugin - expand]=$(__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe)
+      (($ + functions[_jq - plugin - expand])) && COMMAND=${functions[_jq - plugin - expand]#$'\t'}
+      # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+      jq-repl -- ${COMMAND}
+      return $?
-        # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-        jq-repl -- $(__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe)
-        return $?
+      # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+      jq-repl -- $(__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe)
+      return $?
+  }
-jq-complete() {
+  jq-complete() {
     local query
     local ret=$?
     if [ -n "$query" ]; then
-        LBUFFER="$(__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe) | ${JQ_REPL_JQ:-jq}"
-        [[ -z "$JQ_REPL_ARGS" ]] || LBUFFER="${LBUFFER} ${JQ_REPL_ARGS}"
-        LBUFFER="${LBUFFER} '$query'"
+      LBUFFER="$(__lbuffer_strip_trailing_pipe) | ${JQ_REPL_JQ:-jq}"
+      [[ -z "$JQ_REPL_ARGS" ]] || LBUFFER="${LBUFFER} ${JQ_REPL_ARGS}"
+      LBUFFER="${LBUFFER} '$query'"
     zle reset-prompt
     return $ret
+  }
-zle -N jq-complete
-# bind `alt + j` to jq-complete
-bindkey '\ej' jq-complete
+  zle -N jq-complete
+  # bind `alt + j` to jq-complete
+  bindkey '\ej' jq-complete
 export PATH=$PATH:${0:A:h}/bin