Releases: romankh3/image-comparison
⭐️ New Features
- Added option to get the pixels difference percentage between images in case of SIZE_MISMATCH.(@KhaldAttya)
- Added configuration part to
🐞 Bug Fixes
❤️ Contributors
I'd like to say thank you for your contributions:
⭐️ New Features
Added the ability to draw excluded areas on the result image. Rectangles with the differences drawing RED color. Rectangles of the excluded areas - GREEN color.
Fixed root problem on the algorithm.
Added returning this for setters in ImageComparison and ComparisonResult.
renamed image1 => expected and image2 => actual.
Added writeResultTo() for ComparisonResult.
v3.0.0 ComparisonResult
⭐️ New Features
- Added ComparisonResult as a returning value for comparing. It contains:
- image1
- image2
- ComparisonState, with conditions MATCH, MISMATCH, SIZE_MISMATCH
- Result image, only if ComparisonState is MISMATCH. When it is MATCH or SIZE_MISMATCH no needs to create result image.
- added minimalRectangleSize and maximalRectangleCount(sorted by rectangle size).
- Added more tests to cover more test cases.
- Refactored CommandLineUsage, moved main() method to separated class.(@ak98neon)
- Added ExcludedAreas functionality, which helps to exclude some parts of the image.(@mkytolai)
❤️ Contributors
I'd like to say thank you for your contributions
⭐️ New Features
- Added ability to customize rectangle line width(@mkytolai).
- Moved the main method from Image Comparison to own class(@ak98neon).
- Added Code of Conduct and Contributing pages(@romankh3).
- Added Point model(@romankh3).
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Made non-static threshold field(@ak98neon).
❤️ Contributors
I'd like to thank all the contributors who helped to improve it:
⭐️ New Features
- Published the project to JCenter, MavenCentral
- Update packages related to
🐞 Bug Fixes
All the bugs were successfully fixed on 2.0.2
❤️ Contributors
I'd like to say thank @renatoathaydes! He helped me to publish image-comparison
⭐️ New Features
- Improved comparison algorithm.
- Improved tests cases and test coverage to 100%.
🐞 Bug Fixes
- #11: Rectangles can overlap and be included one-into-one.
- #21: StackOverflowError when compared 2 images with a little big different area.
- #43: Added extra overlapping based on fixing #21 bug.
❤️ Contributors
I'd like to thank all the contributors who helped to improve it!