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Releases: rstudio/blogdown

blogdown 0.12

01 May 21:06
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  • When creating a post with a date in the future, a warning will be issued by default. To turn off this warning (if you are aware of the consequences of future dates), set options(blogdown.warn.future = FALSE) (thanks, @chucheria on Twitter, #377).

blogdown 0.11

12 Mar 02:35
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  • Added a global option blogdown.filename.pre_processor, which can be a function with a single argument (the post title) that returns a pre-processed string to be used to generate the post filename. For example, if you set options(blogdown.filename.pre_processor = function(x) stringi::stri_trans_general(x, "any-latin; nfd; [:nonspacing mark:] remove; nfc")), Cyrillic characters in a post title can be converted to ASCII, and the result string will be used for generating the post filename (thanks, @novica, #349).


  • When previewing a blogdown website with Hugo on the RStudio Server, the Hugo configuration relativeURLs will be set to true automatically (thanks, @nwstephens, #124).


  • Added support to install the extended version of Hugo and enabled it as default via install_hugo(..., extended = TRUE) (thanks, @rgaiacs, #363).

blogdown 0.10

09 Jan 15:19
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  • The slug field in the "New Post" RStudio addin will no longer be automatically changed if the user has manually changed it once (thanks, @eliocamp, #347).

  • Added multilingual support in the "New post" RStudio addin (thanks, @novica #344, @Guilz #323).

  • You can create a new post as the index file of a Hugo page bundle via blogdown::new_post() or the RStudio addin "New Post" if you set options(blogdown.new_bundle = TRUE). One benefit of using a page bundle instead of a normal page is that you can put resource files associated with the post (such as images) under the same directory of the post itself. This means you no longer have to put them under the static/ directory, which has been quite confusing to Hugo beginners (thanks, @DavisVaughan @romainfrancois @apreshill, #351).

  • Added an argument empty_dirs to new_site() so that you can preserve the empty directories via blogdown::new_site(empty_dirs = TRUE). By default, empty directories will be deleted when a new site is created (thanks, @apreshill, rstudio-education/arm-workshop-rsc2019#8).

  • Added a global option blogdown.files_filter to allow users to decide which Rmd files to be rebuilt (this option can be set in .Rprofile). The default filter is blogdown:::timestamp_filter, i.e., only Rmd files which are older than their output files will be recompiled when rebuilding a site. You can set options(blogdown.files_filter = blogdown:::md5sum_filter) to use a different filter based on MD5 checksums, i.e., only rebuild an Rmd file if its MD5 checksum has changed. The checksums of Rmd files are saved in the file blogdown/md5sum.txt under the website root directory (thanks, @jonathan-g, #341).


  • The default value of the argument kind of new_post() has been changed from 'default' to '', which means this function will respect Hugo's default order of looking for the archetype. The Archetype dropdown menu of the RStudio addin "New Post" was changed accordingly, and this menu will also list archetypes in themes (thanks, David Daza,

blogdown 0.9

23 Oct 16:38
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  • Added an option in the "Update Metadata" addin to rename the post filename accordingly when the date is updated, e.g., when the date is changed from 2018-07-23 to 2018-07-28, the post file can be renamed to

blogdown 0.8

15 Jul 05:39
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  • A bug was introduced when implementing #305: should append draft: yes to YAML only when options(blogdown.draft.output = TRUE) is set (thanks, @ConorIA, #312).

blogdown 0.7

07 Jul 19:42
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  • Added a new RStudio addin "Touch File" to update the modification time of a file, which can be useful when you want to force rebuilding a certain Rmd post after running serve_site() (#294).

  • Added an RStudio addin "Quote Poem" to quote a poem using the Markdown syntax (

  • Added a new function shortcodes(), which is a vectorized version of shortcode(). For example, you can embed multiple tweets (thanks, @maelle, #307).

  • Added an argument ignore to build_dir() to ignore output filenames when testing if the Rmd file is newer than its possible output files. By default, *.Rproj files are ignored (thanks, @chepec, #308).

  • Added a global option blogdown.draft.output. If options(blogdown.draft.output = TRUE) is set, a field draft: yes will be appended to the YAML metadata of the HTML output file from an Rmd post, unless the Rmd post has already set the draft option. This means the output files are always drafts unless you explicitly set draft: no in the YAML metadata of Rmd posts (thanks, @mwaldstein, #305).


blogdown 0.6

19 Apr 14:40
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  • Added a title_case argument to the new_post() function; if TRUE, the post title will be converted to title case. See ?blogdown::new_post for details.

  • Added a hostname argument to install_theme() and new_site(), as a complement to the theme argument. The default hostname is ''; if you have access to GitHub Enterprise, you can use this to specify it instead (thanks, @ijlyttle, #264).

  • The new_post addin now lets you choose an archetype. See for more details (thanks, @lcolladotor, #173).

  • Added a new RStudio addin (insert_image) for inserting external images into blog posts (thanks, @lcolladotor, #269). If you use options(blogdown.insertimage.usebaseurl = TRUE), it adds the baseurl so that RSS feeds will include the images and be properly displayed in websites such as RBloggers (#275). You will need to publish the images so that they are displayed in a local preview and will need to keep in mind some drawbacks discussed in #275.

  • The theme argument of install_theme() and new_site() now accepts a full URL to a theme's repository zip file. This can be used to install themes from other web-based git hosts, like GitLab and Bitbucket (thanks, @gadenbuie, #271).

  • You may download the zip archive or tarball of the Hugo installer from Github by yourself, and pass the path to install_hugo() to install it, e.g., blogdown::install_hugo('') (thanks, @shrektan, #288).


  • The kind argument (i.e., the archetype) of new_content() now works with files that end in .Rmd and .Rmarkdown. The archetype still has to end in .md for Hugo to work with it (thanks, @lcolladotor, #261).


  • The Github repo yihui/hugo-lithium-theme was renamed to yihui/hugo-lithiutm, and the default theme argument value was changed accordingly (thanks, @rorynolan, #291).

CRAN release v0.5

24 Jan 20:01
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  • The bug #233 still exists on Windows (thanks, Sheng Luan).

CRAN release v0.4

12 Dec 05:30
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  • install_theme() may signal the error "The theme already exists" by mistake (thanks, @YizhouZheng, #230).

  • A warning will be issued if two versions of Hugo are found (thanks, @mingsnu, #235).

  • Plots are missing if a post filename contains multibyte characters (thanks, @dongzhuoer, #233).

CRAN release v0.3

13 Nov 05:52
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  • The later package is a required dependency on Windows for blogdown::serve_site() now (#169).