A WordPress plugin for showing algorithms with code implementation examples.
Rich Algorithms is part of Richard Webster's Innovation Project dissertation for 2022, University of Chester module CO6008.
Manually in WordPress
- Download the plugin ZIP file
- From the WordPress admin dashboard go to Plugins, Add New
- Click Upload Plugin, locate the file, upload
- In the WordPress dashboard go to Plugins, Installed Plugins, and activate Rich Algorithms
Manually using FTP
- Download the plugin ZIP file, extract it
- FTP to your server and go to your root WordPress directory
- Navigate to wp-content/plugins
- Upload the parent directory rich-algorithms - the folder that contains the file rich-algorithms.php - to that location
- In the WordPress dashboard go to Plugins, Installed Plugins, and activate Rich Algorithms
PHP documentation generated using phpDocumentor.
- van Riel, M. (2021). phpDocumentor (3.3) [PHP documentation generator]. phpDocumentor. https://phpdoc.org/
PSR-4 Compliant PHP Autoloader class adapted from PHP FIG group.
- PHP FIG. (2016, July 7). PSR-4 Example Implementations. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from PHP-FIG: https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/examples/
Syntax highlighter by PrismJS.
- PrismJS. (2022, February 17). PrismJS (1.27.0) [Code Syntax Highlighter]. PrismJS. https://prismjs.com/
Greedy Colouring code example and implementation in Algorithms\GreedyColouring\Assets\JS\greedycolour.js
adapted from Mudiyanto, 2022. Converted from Python by Richard Webster.
- Mudiyanto, F. (2022, January 15). Solve Graph Coloring Problem with Greedy Algorithm and Python. Python in Plain English. Retrieved 15 April 2022, from https://python.plainenglish.io/solve-graph-coloring-problem-with-greedy-algorithm-and-python-6661ab4154bd
Fisher–Yates Shuffle function adapted from Bostock, 2012.
- Bostock, M. (2012, January 14). Fisher–Yates Shuffle. Mike Bostock. Retrieved 17 April 2022, from https://bost.ocks.org/mike/shuffle/
Shortest Path demonstration library included in Algorithms\Dijkstra\Example
provided by David Lettier.
- Lettier, D. (2014, January 22). Shortest Path. GitHub. Retrieved 12 April 2022, from https://github.com/lettier/shortestpath
Shortest Path JS code example adapted from Sauer-Utley, 2021. Converted from JavaScript by Richard Webster.
- Sauer-Utley, N. (2021, December 14). Finding the Shortest Path in Javascript: Dijkstra's Algorithm. Level Up Coding. Retrieved 12 April 2022, from https://levelup.gitconnected.com/finding-the-shortest-path-in-javascript-dijkstras-algorithm-8d16451eea34
Point in Polygon code example and implementation in Algorithms\PointInPolygon\Assets\JS\polygon.js
adapted from Finley and Lagidse, 2007. Converted from C by Richard Webster.
- Finley, D. R., & Lagidse, L. (2007). Determining Whether A Point Is Inside A Complex Polygon. Alien Ryder Flex. Retrieved 11 April 2022, from http://alienryderflex.com/polygon/
HTML5 canvas polygon drawing code implemented in Algorithms\PointInPolygon\Assets\JS\polygon.js
adapted from Hajibaba, 2019.
- Hajibaba, M. (2019, November). JavaScript - fill polygon on canvas element in HTML5 with certain color. Dirask.Com, IT Community. Retrieved 11 April 2022, from https://dirask.com/posts/JavaScript-fill-polygon-on-canvas-element-in-HTML5-with-certain-color-yjQW5D