bump chart version
bump chart version
Pull request merge
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Force push
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Force push
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Force push
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Force push
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Force push
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Force push
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Try kubeconform instead of kubeval
Ask curl to follow redirects
Ask curl to follow redirects
Ask tar to decompress gz
Ask tar to decompress gz
Add missing newline at eof
Add missing newline at eof
Use the latest version of kubeval
Use the latest version of kubeval
Drop fancy software installation
Drop fancy software installation
Refresh check-spelling metadata
Refresh check-spelling metadata
Update helm-test.yaml
Update helm-test.yaml
Update helm-test.yaml
Update helm-test.yaml
Update check-spelling workflow
Update check-spelling workflow
Update helm-test.yaml
Update helm-test.yaml
Upgrade helm-test workflow
Upgrade helm-test workflow
Bump chart version to reflect updated cronjob definition
Bump chart version to reflect updated cronjob definition