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OpenAI Gym Environment: QuadroboEnv

This section describes the QuadroboEnv custom environment built using OpenAI Gym and MuJoCo for simulating a quadruped robot. It includes reward design, termination conditions, and integration with the MuJoCo XML model.

Environment Configuration (quadrobo.yaml)

The YAML file defines parameters to customize the environment:

Parameter Description Default Value
name Environment name. QuadroboEnv-v0
forward_reward_weight Weight for forward motion rewards. 1.0
ctrl_cost_weight Weight for penalizing control effort. 0.05
contact_cost_weight Weight for penalizing excessive contact forces. 5e-4
healthy_reward Reward for staying in a healthy state. 1.0
terminate_when_unhealthy Whether the episode terminates when the robot becomes unhealthy. true
healthy_z_range Permissible height range of the torso. [0.2, 1.0]
contact_force_range Permissible range for contact forces. [-1.0, 1.0]
render_mode Rendering mode (human, rgb_array, depth_array). human
max_steps Maximum steps per episode. 1000

Environment Code

The QuadroboEnv class defines the core simulation logic, including:

  • Observation space
  • Reward computation
  • Termination conditions

Key Features

  1. Observation Space (_get_obs method)
    The observation includes:

    • Joint Positions: First 12 elements (qpos).
    • Joint Velocities: Next 12 elements (qvel).
    • Contact Forces: If enabled, these values are clipped between contact_force_range.
    • Root Orientation: Extracted as roll, pitch, and yaw using a rotation matrix.
    def _get_obs(self):
        position =
        velocity =
        root_body_id = mujoco.mj_name2id(self.model, mujoco.mjtObj.mjOBJ_BODY, "root")
        root_rot_matrix =[root_body_id].reshape(3, 3)
        # Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles
        roll = np.arctan2(root_rot_matrix[2, 1], root_rot_matrix[2, 2])
        pitch = np.arcsin(-root_rot_matrix[2, 0])
        yaw = np.arctan2(root_rot_matrix[1, 0], root_rot_matrix[0, 0])
        if self._use_contact_forces:
            contact_force = self.contact_forces.flat.copy()
            return np.concatenate((position, velocity, contact_force, [roll, pitch, yaw]))
            return np.concatenate((position, velocity, [roll, pitch, yaw]))
  2. Reward Design (step method)

    • Forward Reward: Encourages forward motion by rewarding displacement along the X-axis.
    • Sideways Penalty: Penalizes displacement along the Y-axis.
    • Joint Velocity Penalty: Penalizes high joint velocities to encourage smooth motion.
    • Orientation Penalty: Penalizes roll, pitch, and yaw deviations beyond acceptable ranges.
    • Control Cost: Penalizes excessive control inputs.
    forward_reward = x_velocity
    total_reward = (
        self.healthy_reward +
        7.5 * forward_displacement -
        0.1 * sideways_displacement +
        5.0 * forward_reward -
        0.5 * np.sum(np.abs(joint_velocities))
    orientation_penalty = 0.02 * abs(roll) + 0.02 * abs(pitch) + 0.05 * abs(yaw)
    reward = total_reward - orientation_penalty
  3. Termination Conditions

    • If roll, pitch, or yaw exceeds the defined limits (±60° in radians).
    • If the robot's height is outside the healthy_z_range.
    if abs(roll) > max_roll or abs(pitch) > max_pitch or abs(yaw) > max_yaw:
        terminated = True
        terminated = self.terminated
  4. Action Space
    Controls are applied to 12 actuators (thigh, leg, and shin joints for each leg).

MuJoCo XML Model

The XML file defines the robot's physical structure, joints, and actuators. Key components include:

  1. Model Parameters

    • Integrator: RK4 for stable simulations.
    • Gravity: Set to Earth's gravity (-9.8 m/s²).
    <option integrator="RK4" timestep="0.01" gravity="0 0 -9.8"/>
  2. Assets
    The robot's body and limbs are defined as meshes loaded from STL files.

    <mesh class="quadrobo" name="body" file="body.STL" />
  3. Body Definitions
    Each body part includes:

    • Inertial Properties: Mass and inertia.
    • Joint Definitions: Range of motion and axis of rotation.
    • Collision and Visual Geometries: Defined separately for collision detection and rendering.
    <body name="root" pos="0 0 1.0" quat="1 0 0 0">
        <freejoint name="root" />
        <geom type="mesh" rgba="0 0.752941 0 1" mesh="body" class="visual" />
  4. Actuators
    Position actuators control the joints.

        <position class="quadrobo" name="back_right_thigh_joint" joint="back_right_thigh_joint" />


  1. Register the Environment

    from gym.envs.registration import register
  2. Running the Environment

    import gym
    env = gym.make("QuadroboEnv-v0", render_mode="human")
    state = env.reset()
    for _ in range(1000):
        action = env.action_space.sample()
        state, reward, done, _, info = env.step(action)
        if done:

This design provides a robust simulation environment for training reinforcement learning policies on a quadruped robot. The modular reward design and customizable parameters make it versatile for various tasks and objectives.