Low Tangerine Cod
Users can purchase options at a lower cost because the strike price is not restricted.
User can set strike price to any value, there is no validation for input params. It is not tied to strikePrecent which it should as well
// Update the borrower details for this index
depositDetail.normalizedAmount = uint128(normalizedAmount);
depositDetail.strikePrice = params.strikePrice * uint128(params.depositingAmount);
if user set strike price to lower than current eth price than his funds will be stuck due to this line https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-11-autonomint/blob/main/Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/lib/BorrowLib.sol#L489
set percent to max value - TWENTY_FIVE, but strike price to current eth that is appropriate for five percent
since strikePrice is not tied to strike percent users will be able to buy options for less than suppose to and protocol will receive less funds
Align strike price and Percentage in calculateOptionPrice