Agreeable Pearl Cricket
When fetching price from chainlink, protocol does not check whether the data fetched is stale.
(, int256 price_, , , ) = oracle.latestRoundData();
if (underlying == assetAddress[IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH]) {
return (1 ether, uint128((uint256(price_) / 1e6)));
} else {
(, uint128 ethPrice) = _price(assetAddress[IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH]);
return (uint128(uint256(price_)), ethPrice);
There are different reasons why an oracle price feed can become stale. Using a stale price will result in incorrect calculations in most of the key functionality of the protocol.
Read the updatedAt parameter from the calls to latestRoundData() and verify that it corresponds to the heartbeat of the pricefeed.
if (updatedAt < block.timestamp - 60 * 60 /* 1 hour */) {
revert("stale price feed");