Low Tangerine Cod
liquidationType2 doesn't market deposit as liquidated type 2 just not implemented at all at this moment, like type1
Whenever admin choses type2 liquidation there is eventuall call to liquidationType2
, there is no update to depositDetail.liquidated
value, which means that after position liquidated, if price improves for that position and position health become more than 8000
users will be able to withdraw their deposit, which should not be happening
function liquidationType2(
address user,
uint64 index,
uint64 currentEthPrice
) internal {
// Get the borrower and deposit details
ITreasury.GetBorrowingResult memory getBorrowingResult = treasury.getBorrowing(user, index);
ITreasury.DepositDetails memory depositDetail = getBorrowingResult.depositDetails;
-> require(!depositDetail.liquidated, "Already Liquidated");
// Check whether the position is eligible for liquidation
uint128 ratio = BorrowLib.calculateEthPriceRatio(depositDetail.ethPriceAtDeposit, currentEthPrice);
require(ratio <= 8000, "You cannot liquidate, ratio is greater than 0.8");
uint256 amount = BorrowLib.calculateHalfValue(depositDetail.depositedAmountInETH);
// Convert the ETH into WETH
weth.deposit{value: amount}();
// Approve it, to mint sETH
bool approved = weth.approve(address(wrapper), amount);
if (!approved) revert BorrowLiq_ApproveFailed();
// Mint sETH
// Exchange sETH with sUSD
// Calculate the margin
int256 margin = int256((amount * currentEthPrice) / 100);
// Transfer the margin to synthetix
// Submit an offchain delayed order in synthetix for short position with 1X leverage
-int((uint(margin * 1 ether * 1e16) / currentEthPrice)),
currentEthPrice * 1e16
No response
No response
- User deposit
- User's health drops/price of collateral drop. 3, user's deposit being liquidated with type2.
- monitor until deposit becomes healthy- withdraw it
Users will be able to withdraw their deposits after liquidation.
No response
liquidate type 2 just not implemented at all at this moment, like type1. All updates to omniChainData, cds are missing update deposit details somewhere
function liquidationType2(
address user,
uint64 index,
uint64 currentEthPrice
) internal {
// Get the borrower and deposit details
ITreasury.GetBorrowingResult memory getBorrowingResult = treasury.getBorrowing(user, index);
ITreasury.DepositDetails memory depositDetail = getBorrowingResult.depositDetails;
require(!depositDetail.liquidated, "Already Liquidated");
+ depositDetail.liquidated = true;
+ treasury.updateDepositDetails(user, index, depositDetail);