Slow Ruby Zebra
According to the readme the protocol will be deployed to Optimism. And as can be seen in the _price() function, when price is fetched on Optimism (chainId 10 belongs to Optimism), Chainlink push oracles will be utilised:
function _price(
address underlying
) internal view returns (uint128, uint128) {
else if (block.chainid == 10) {
AggregatorV3Interface oracle = AggregatorV3Interface(oracles[underlying]);
// Get the eth price
(, int256 price_, , , ) = oracle.latestRoundData();
// If the token is ETH
if (underlying == assetAddress[IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH]) {
// Return Exchange rate as 1 and ETH price with 2 decimals
return (1 ether, uint128((uint256(price_) / 1e6)));
} else {
(, uint128 ethPrice) = _price(assetAddress[IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH]);
// Return Exchange rate and ETH price with 2 decimals
return (uint128(uint256(price_)), ethPrice);
} else {
return (0, 0);
Most of the data feeds on Optimism still return minAnswer/maxNaswer. For example:
- The ETH/USD data feed aggregator contract, the returned minAnswer is 1000000000
Missing minAnswer/maxAnswer check in the _price() function.
No response
No response
No response
If a scenario similar to the LUNA crash happens again, for example the ETH/USD pair will be returning prices that are bigger than the actual price.
No response
No response