Low Tangerine Cod
There is no invalidation that this signature already used in protocol
In withdraw function signature and odos data passed to cds contract
function withDraw(
address toAddress,
uint64 index,
bytes memory odosAssembledData,
bytes memory signature
) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused(IMultiSign.Functions(1)) {
// check is _toAddress in not a zero address and isContract address
if (toAddress == address(0) || isContract(toAddress)) revert Borrow_CantBeContractOrZeroAddress(toAddress);
--> if (!cds.verify(odosAssembledData, signature)) revert Borrow_NotSignedByEIP712Signer();
// Get the depositor details
where signature is not being invalidated anywhere which allows to use it again for any other withdraw for that user
function verify(
bytes memory odosExecutionData,
bytes memory signature
) external view onlyBorrowingContract returns (bool) {
function _verify(
FunctionName functionName,
uint256 excessProfitCumulativeValue,
uint256 nonce,
bytes memory odosExecutionData,
bytes memory signature
) private view returns (bool) {
bytes32 digest;
} else if (functionName == FunctionName.BORROW_WITHDRAW) {
digest = _hashTypedDataV4(
keccak256("OdosPermit(bytes odosExecutionData)"),
address signer = ECDSA.recover(digest, signature);
bytes32 hashedSigner = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(signer));
if (hashedSigner == hashedAdminTwo) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
E.x. there are two positions. E.x.there is upside - 1 wrsETH after first withdraw and 2 wrsEth after second withdraw. Target for odos swap is TREASURY from tests. Everything goes normal user uses 1 signature for first withdrawal - 1 wrsETH exchange for 1000 udst to treasury Everything goes normal user uses second signature for second withdrawal - 2 wrsETH exchange for 2000 udst to treasury
Attacker uses first signature for second withdrawal 1 wrsETH exchange for 1000 udst, but upside left - 2 wrsETH - 1 wrsETH=1wrsETH
left unaccounting. Which means some holders will not receive their stake which leads to depeging as the point of protocol to catch upside and distribute correctly
use odos data from first withdrawal and use it on another withdrawal.
holders will not receive their stake which leads to depeging as the point of protocol to catch upside and distribute correctly
Add nonce to invalidate that signature that already used