Furry Rusty Monkey
In the MasterPriceOracle
contract, the protocol uses a ChainLink aggregator to fetch the latestRoundData()
// Get the eth price
(, int256 price_, , , ) = oracle.latestRoundData();
however, these calls to oracle::latestRoundData
lack the necessary validation for Chainlink data feeds to ensure that the protocol does not ingest stale or incorrect pricing data that could indicate a faulty feed.
This discrepancy could have the protocol produce incorrect values for fetched asset prices
Manual Review
Consider adding missing checks for stale data:
- (, int256 price_, , , ) = oracle.latestRoundData();
+ (uint80 RoundID, int256 Answer,, uint256 Timestamp, uint80 AnsweredInRound) =
+ oracle.latestRoundData();
+ require(AnsweredInRound >= RoundID, "Stale price!");
+ require(Timestamp != 0, "Round not complete!");
+ require(block.timestamp - Timestamp <= VALID_TIME_PERIOD);