Low Tangerine Cod
Unused liquidation amount is deducted from the deposited amount instead of the used liquidation amount.
Whenever user who opted in for liquidation will withdraw in params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount
will be amount unused in liquidation, due to the fact that protocol deduction here
for (uint128 i = (liquidationIndexAtDeposit + 1); i <= params.omniChainData.noOfLiquidations; i++) {
uint128 liquidationAmount = params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount;
// If the user available liquidation is non zero
if (liquidationAmount > 0) {
CDSInterface.LiquidationInfo memory liquidationData = omniChainCDSLiqIndexToInfo[i];
// Calculate the share by taking ratio between
// User's available liquidation amount and total available liquidation amount
uint128 share = (liquidationAmount * 1e10) / uint128(liquidationData.availableLiquidationAmount);
// Update users available liquidation amount
-> params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount -= getUserShare(liquidationData.liquidationAmount, share);
// Based on the collateral type calculate the liquidated collateral to give to user
if (liquidationData.assetName == IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH) {
// increment eth amount
params.ethAmount += getUserShare(liquidationData.collateralAmount, share);
} else if (liquidationData.assetName == IBorrowing.AssetName.WeETH) {
// increment weeth amount and weth amount value
weETHAmount += getUserShare(liquidationData.collateralAmount, share);
weETHAmountInETHValue += getUserShare(liquidationData.collateralAmountInETHValue, share);
} else if (liquidationData.assetName == IBorrowing.AssetName.WrsETH) {
// increment rseth amount and rseth amount value
rsETHAmount += getUserShare(liquidationData.collateralAmount, share);
rsETHAmountInETHValue += getUserShare(liquidationData.collateralAmountInETHValue, share);
Lets look how omniChainData.totalCdsDepositedAmount - X
will changed after liquidation + withdrawal. Lets assume cdsProfits is 0.
After liquidation:
omniChainData.totalCdsDepositedAmount -= liquidationAmountNeeded - cdsProfits; //
after withdrawal
Now, sum them together which should be in total deposit
due to the fact that this is amount user initially deposited
At the end after cds deposit+liquidation+wtidhraw:
What does it mean for protocol? User's funds at some point will be stuck if calculation above less than 0 due to underflow. Also cumulative rate depends on this value so it will be incorrect which means deposits/withdrawals will not be tracked properly as well
always happening
Worst case
- Funds will be stuck at some point.
- deposits and withdraw will be tracked incorrectly in favour of users or protocol
} else {
// update totalCdsDepositedAmount
+ params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount = params.cdsDepositDetails.initialLiquidationAmount - params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount
totalCdsDepositedAmount -= (params.cdsDepositDetails.depositedAmount - params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount);
params.omniChainData.totalCdsDepositedAmount -= (params.cdsDepositDetails.depositedAmount - params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount);
// update totalCdsDepositedAmountWithOptionFees
totalCdsDepositedAmountWithOptionFees -= (params.cdsDepositDetails.depositedAmount - params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount + params.optionsFeesToGetFromOtherChain);
params.omniChainData.totalCdsDepositedAmountWithOptionFees -= (
params.cdsDepositDetails.depositedAmount -
params.cdsDepositDetails.liquidationAmount +