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Powerful Honeysuckle Anteater


Chainlink/Redstone oracles have insufficient price validation


Currently we don't do any price validation for the Chainlink/Redstone oracle response.

External Preconditions

The oracle could return return a stale price due to Chainlink/Redstone lagging in delivering actual data.

Root Cause

Insufficient checks on the price feed we are tracking, i.e. weETH/ETH | wrsETH/ETH | rsETH/ETH Reference in code: MasterPriceOracle.sol#L53C1-L96C6

    function _price(address underlying) internal view returns (uint128, uint128) {
        if (oracles[underlying] == address(0))
            revert("Price oracle not found for this underlying token address.");

        // get oracles based on chain
        if(block.chainid == 31337 || block.chainid == 34443){


        } else if (block.chainid == 10) {
            AggregatorV3Interface oracle = AggregatorV3Interface(oracles[underlying]);

@>>         (, int256 price_, , , ) = oracle.latestRoundData();
            if (underlying == assetAddress[IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH]) {
                // Return Exchange rate as 1 and ETH price with 2 decimals
                return (1 ether, uint128((uint256(price_) / 1e6)));
            } else {
                (, uint128 ethPrice) = _price(assetAddress[IBorrowing.AssetName.ETH]);
                // Return Exchange rate and ETH price with 2 decimals
@>>             return (uint128(uint256(price_)), ethPrice);
        } else {
            return (0, 0);


Stale prices, could cause significant impact in borrow/lend protocols, where we have to have accurate idea of what the actual LTV is and the value of the collateral. Otherwise we risk de-peg or arbitrage scenarios.


Add non-zero validation for the answer, and constraints for staleness. Check out Euler's implementation: