Powerful Honeysuckle Anteater
Cross-contract Reentrancy between Borrowing and CDS contracts will leave the omnichain in wrong state
During a dCDS withdrawal, raw ETH is transferred before updating global state variables. A malicious user can exploit this through cross-contract reentrancy, re-entering the borrowing contract and performing operations with an incorrect state, which is then broadcasted to the omni-chain. This disrupts key storage fields and can result in asset loss.
The root cause is that during a dCDS withdrawal, raw ETH is transferred to the dCDS user (opted-in for liquidations) before updating the omni-chain data and other fields, leaving the state unfinished. Reference: CDSLib.sol#L825-L831
function withdrawUser(......) public returns (CDSInterface.WithdrawResult memory) {
.....Skipping Code.....
if (params.ethAmount != 0) {
params.omniChainData.collateralProfitsOfLiquidators -= totalWithdrawCollateralAmountInETH;
// Call transferEthToCdsLiquidators to tranfer eth
//@audit-issue reentrancy is possible here
@>> interfaces.treasury.transferEthToCdsLiquidators(msg.sender, params.ethAmount);
if (weETHAmount != 0) {
interfaces.treasury.approveTokens(IBorrowing.AssetName.WeETH, address(interfaces.cds), weETHAmount);
bool sent = IERC20(interfaces.borrowing.assetAddress(IBorrowing.AssetName.WeETH)).transferFrom(
address(interfaces.treasury), msg.sender, weETHAmount
if (!sent) revert CDSInterface.CDS_TransferFailed(IBorrowing.AssetName.WeETH);
if (rsETHAmount != 0) {
interfaces.treasury.approveTokens(IBorrowing.AssetName.WrsETH, address(interfaces.cds), rsETHAmount);
bool sent = IERC20(interfaces.borrowing.assetAddress(IBorrowing.AssetName.WrsETH)).transferFrom(
address(interfaces.treasury), msg.sender, rsETHAmount
if (!sent) revert CDSInterface.CDS_TransferFailed(IBorrowing.AssetName.WrsETH);
return CDSInterface.WithdrawResult(.......);
And in transferEthToCdsLiquidators()
there is an .call which allows any user to re-enter into a different arbitrary function call:
function transferEthToCdsLiquidators(address user, uint128 amount) external onlyCoreContracts {
require(user != address(0) && amount != 0, "Input address or amount is invalid");
// Get the omnichain data
IGlobalVariables.OmniChainData memory omniChainData = globalVariables.getOmniChainData();
// Check whether treasury has enough collateral to transfer
require(amount <= omniChainData.collateralProfitsOfLiquidators, "Treasury don't have enough ETH amount");
omniChainData.collateralProfitsOfLiquidators -= amount;
// Transfer ETH to user
@>> (bool sent,) = payable(user).call{value: amount}("");
if (!sent) revert Treasury_EthTransferToCdsLiquidatorFailed();
However in the CDSLib.sol
withdrawUser function we aren't updating some global variables, which allow the re-entrancy to have impact. Reference in CDS.sol
function withdraw(....) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused(IMultiSign.Functions(5)) {
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WithdrawResult memory withdrawResult;
@>> withdrawResult = CDSLib.withdrawUser(
@>> totalCdsDepositedAmount = withdrawResult.totalCdsDepositedAmount;
@>> totalCdsDepositedAmountWithOptionFees = withdrawResult.totalCdsDepositedAmountWithOptionFees;
@>> withdrawResult.omniChainData.cdsPoolValue -= cdsDepositDetails.depositedAmount;
// Update the user deposit data
@>> cdsDetails[msg.sender].cdsAccountDetails[index] = withdrawResult.cdsDepositDetails;
// Update the global omnichain struct
@>> globalVariables.setOmniChainData(withdrawResult.omniChainData);
// Check whether after withdraw cds have enough funds to protect borrower's collateral
if (withdrawResult.omniChainData.totalVolumeOfBorrowersAmountinWei != 0) {
if (borrowing.calculateRatio(0, ethPrice) < (2 * CDSLib.RATIO_PRECISION)) revert CDS_NotEnoughFundInCDS();
if (ethPrice != lastEthPrice) {
@>> updateLastEthPrice(ethPrice);
No response
No response
- User A sends a transaction to withdraw their dCDS deposit.
- When the code reaches the
function, User A re-enters theborrowers.sol
contract to initiate a withdrawal. - The withdrawal is successful, but the global variables updated during the borrower withdrawal are submitted through
before completing the dCDS withdrawal operation. As a result, two operations are performed with the same initial state.
At a minimum, this could lead to incorrect tracking of total assets or depositors if the totalBorrowAmounts
and other fields changed during the borrower withdrawal are overridden by the dCDS withdrawal's global variable updates. The omniChainData
set by dCDS after re-entering and completing the withdrawal does not account for the borrower withdrawal state when using setOmniChainData
to update them.
This can lead to double-counting of the cumulativeValue
, as the lastETHPrice
in dCDS is not updated, and we call updateCumulativeValueInCDS()
in BorrowingLib.sol
during withdrawal. Other state changes may also not be reflected accurately.
Ultimately, this could result in significant discrepancies, causing the protocol to overestimate its resources. This overestimation could prevent other users from successfully withdrawing, effectively bricking the protocol.
Apply the CEI (Check-Effects-Interactions) pattern. Ensure that ETH transfers (or any transfers that invoke callbacks to the receiver) occur only after all state changes have been completed.