Low Tangerine Cod
there is no substraction depositDetail.depositedAmountUsdValue
from vaultValue on liquidation like its done on borrower withdrawal
Whenever borrower deposits there vault value increases:
// find current vault value by adding current depositing amount
currentVaultValue = previousData.vaultValue + (amount * currentEthPrice);
previousData.vaultValue = currentVaultValue;
Whenever borrower withdraw there vault value decreases:
omniChainData.vaultValue -= depositDetail.depositedAmountUsdValue;
But when borrowers get liquidated vault value doesn't change. Why is it important? Cds holder's ability to withdraw depends on it, if its not accounting correctly they will not be able to withdraw here:
if (withdrawResult.omniChainData.totalVolumeOfBorrowersAmountinWei != 0) {
if (borrowing.calculateRatio(0, ethPrice) < (2 * CDSLib.RATIO_PRECISION)) revert CDS_NotEnoughFundInCDS();
No response
No response
always happens on liquidations
CDS holders will not be able to withdraw when they should because the system thinks there are more borrowers than there actually are. Their funds will be stuck. They will be forced to protect borrower collateral that doesn't exist anymore
No response
update value on liquidation
omniChainData.totalInterestFromLiquidation += uint256(borrowerDebt - depositDetail.borrowedAmount);
omniChainData.totalVolumeOfBorrowersAmountinWei -= depositDetail.depositedAmountInETH;
omniChainData.totalVolumeOfBorrowersAmountinUSD -= depositDetail.depositedAmountUsdValue;
omniChainData.totalVolumeOfBorrowersAmountLiquidatedInWei += depositDetail.depositedAmountInETH;
+ omniChainData.vaultValue -= depositDetail.depositedAmountUsdValue;