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Optimism and Mode
Q: If you are integrating tokens, are you allowing only whitelisted tokens to work with the codebase or any complying with the standard? Are they assumed to have certain properties, e.g. be non-reentrant? Are there any types of weird tokens you want to integrate?
We are allowing only whitelisted tokens like wrsEth, weETH, ETH and USDa(Our own token) in borrowing contracts. And in dCDS we are allowing tokens like USDa(Our own token), USDT and Abond(Our own token) for redeeming.
Q: Are there any limitations on values set by admins (or other roles) in the codebase, including restrictions on array lengths?
In Borrowing.sol
setTreasury() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be any EOA accounts and zero address. Another restriction is that admin should have approval from multisig for setting the treasury address. setOptions(), setBorrowLiquidation(), liquidate() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be any EOA accounts and zero address. executeOrdersInSynthetix(), closeThePositionInSynthetix() can be called only by Admin setLTV() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be zero value. Another restriction is that admin should have approval from multisig for setting the LTV. setBondRatio() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be zero value. Another restriction is that admin should have approval from multisig for setting the bond ratio setAPR() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be zero value. Another restriction is that admin should have approval from multisig for setting the bond APR. updateRatePerSecByUSDaPrice() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be zero value.
In CDS.sol
setAdminTwo(), setUsdtLimit(), setUSDaLimit() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be zero value. setWithdrawTimeLimit() setTreasury() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be zero value. Another restriction is that admin should have approval from multisig for setting it setGlobalVariables(), setBorrowingContract(), setBorrowLiquidation() can be called only by Admin and the input can't be any EOA accounts and zero address.
Q: Are there any limitations on values set by admins (or other roles) in protocols you integrate with, including restrictions on array lengths?
https://github.com/ionicprotocol/ionic-token/blob/096f316af0cae878430b0d0d784f5aa8b76cc14e/src/IonicToken.sol#L87 Variables in this function are been used in the function which we have integrated with.
We have used EIP-712 for verifying sign
Q: Are there any off-chain mechanisms involved in the protocol (e.g., keeper bots, arbitrage bots, etc.)? We assume these mechanisms will not misbehave, delay, or go offline unless otherwise specified.
In borrowing.sol contract we are getting eth volatility as one of the param in depositToken function. In withdraw function we are getting odosAssembledData in the form of bytes. In liquidation we have 2 types of mechanisms first will be
In cds.sol contract excess profit cumulative value and signature for cds withdraw
The properties/invariants which we would like to hold are:
New Borrows cannot mint new stablecoin if cds/borrow ratio is below 0.2 and cds users cannot withdraw. This might have a user experience issue.
In cds.sol in withdraw function there is a variable called "currentValue". WE are getting this variable value from subtracting 1 wei from the output "cdsAmountToReturn()" function. We are subtracting 1 wei because of the precision loss. Because of this, user are losing 0.000001 dollar.
None, this is our first audit.
Website: https://www.autonomint.com/ Docs: https://docs.autonomint.com/autonomint Tech docs: https://app.gitbook.com/o/KKBcUPmU8gGyXUz2WZem/s/cXD7zFiifJmGoAaDLBHP/core-contracts
Blockchain @ 70eb6cd7456348ce01f8ba02b79b2dd964da10df
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/CDS.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/GlobalVariables.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/Options.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/Treasury.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/borrowLiquidation.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/borrowing.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Core_logic/multiSign.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Token/Abond_Token.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/Token/USDa.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/CDSInterface.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IAbond.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IBorrowLiquidation.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IBorrowing.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IGlobalVariables.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IMultiSign.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IOptions.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/ITreasury.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IUSDa.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/IonicInterface.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/Synthetix/IPerpsV2MarketBaseTypes.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/interface/Synthetix/IPerpsV2MarketConsolidated.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/lib/BorrowLib.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/lib/CDSLib.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/lib/Colors.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/oracles/BasePriceOracle.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/oracles/MasterPriceOracle.sol
- Blockchain/Blockchian/contracts/oracles/defaultOracles/IRedSToneOracle.sol