Colossal Chiffon Urchin
there is not lock lock on lock on staking (and withdrawals) for the accused authorProfileId
According to docs their should be lock
Any Ethos participant may act as a "whistleblower" to accuse another participant of inaccurate claims or unethical behavior. This accusation triggers a 24h lock on staking (and withdrawals) for the accused. Currently anyone can unvouch at any time
function unvouch(uint256 vouchId) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant {
Vouch storage v = vouches[vouchId];
// because it's $$$, you can only withdraw/unvouch to the same address you used to vouch
// however, we don't care about the status of the address's profile; funds are always attached
// to an address, not a profile
if (vouches[vouchId].authorAddress != msg.sender) {
revert AddressNotVouchAuthor(vouchId, msg.sender, vouches[vouchId].authorAddress);
v.archived = true;
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
v.activityCheckpoints.unvouchedAt = block.timestamp;
// remove the vouch from the tracking arrays and index mappings
// apply fees and determine how much is left to send back to the author
(uint256 toWithdraw, ) = applyFees(v.balance, false, v.subjectProfileId);
// set the balance to 0 and save back to storage
v.balance = 0;
// send the funds to the author
// note: it sends it to the same address that vouched; not the one that called unvouch
(bool success, ) = payable(v.authorAddress).call{ value: toWithdraw }("");
if (!success) {
revert FeeTransferFailed("Failed to send ETH to author");
emit Unvouched(v.vouchId, v.authorProfileId, v.subjectProfileId);
No response
No response
Accused profile sees that a lot of complains going against him and unvouch all vouched funds before slashing
authorProfileId can avoid being slashed
No response
+ function pauseActions(uint authorProfileId) external onlyOwner{
+ ...
+ }
function unvouch(uint256 vouchId) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant {
+ uint256 authorProfileId = IEthosProfile(
+ contractAddressManager.getContractAddressForName(ETHOS_PROFILE)
+ ).verifiedProfileIdForAddress(msg.sender);
+ require(!isActionsPaused(authorProfileId), "actions paused")
Vouch storage v = vouches[vouchId];