Shambolic Cotton Pangolin
In the sellVotes
function the marketFunds will be updated incorrectly leading to the protocol assuming there are more funds than there actually are.
When we check the sellVotes
function we see that it performs the following storage update:
However only the funds received by the seller are subtracted from the marketFunds
while in fact the actual amount that is being withdraw is fundsReceived+protocolFee.
As a result it will make the protocol assume that his protocolFee is still in the marketFunds, and will try to pull it here in the withdrawGraduatedMarketFunds
It will happen everytime the sellVotes
function is executed.
Potential DOS as at some point the contract will not have enough assets to call withdrawGraduatedMarketFunds
Also more assets will be sent anytime withdrawGraduatedMarketFunds
funds is called including the fee. - High
In the sellVotes function calculate the marketFunds as follows:
marketFunds[profileId] -= fundsReceived + protocolFee;