Colossal Chiffon Urchin
Creates a new reputation market for a profile using a specific market configuration will be created for incorrect market
_createMarket input based of marketConfigIndex which will be changed one day in removeMarketConfig
E.x. user decied to invest in Deluxe tier which initially has index = 1
initialLiquidity: 50 * DEFAULT_PRICE,
initialVotes: 1000,
Later admin decied to remove delux in favor of another market in removeMarketConfig
now market with index =1 will be Premium
which means user would invest in another market, which is misleading and a loss to user
Whenever admin decides to remove market and user create market
No response
No response
Protocol Mislead users to invest in different market with providing more liquidity than user want to. Its impossible to withdraw liquidity in current system until graduation. If create market and remove market happens in the same block, 100% probability to invest in incorrect market
No response
_createMarket should change input from index to name of the market to not mislead users
struct MarketConfig {
uint256 initialLiquidity;
uint256 initialVotes;
uint256 basePrice;
+ string name;
function _createMarket(
uint256 profileId,
address recipient,
- uint256 marketConfigIndex
+ string marketName
) private nonReentrant {