Colossal Chiffon Urchin
Inclusion of Protocol Fees and Donations in marketFunds in sellVotes Funds change: fundsReceived Funds distribute: fundsReceived + protocolFee
The marketFunds variable is intended to track the funds invested in the market. However, in the sellVotes function, marketFunds is decremented by fundsReceived, which doesn't include protocol fees. This inconsistency leads to marketFunds inaccurately representing the actual funds invested in the market.
market.votes[isPositive ? TRUST : DISTRUST] -= 1;
votePrice = _calcVotePrice(market, isPositive);
fundsReceived += votePrice;
--> (fundsReceived, protocolFee, ) = previewFees(fundsReceived, false);
minPrice = votePrice;
return (votesSold, fundsReceived, votePrice, protocolFee, minPrice, maxPrice);
function previewFees(
uint256 amount,
bool isEntry
) private view returns (uint256 funds, uint256 protocolFee, uint256 donation) {
if (isEntry) {
protocolFee = (amount * entryProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
donation = (amount * donationBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
} else {
protocolFee = (amount * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
--> funds = amount - protocolFee - donation;
Protocol fees are withdrawn immidiately this means that market creator will not be able to withdraw his funds later in withdrawGraduatedMarketFunds
No response
No response
No response
Incorrect accounting leading to market creator will not be able to withdraw his funds
No response
I think it suppose to be like this Funds change: fundsReceived Funds distribute: fundsReceived
// apply protocol fees
applyFees(protocolFee, 0, profileId);
// send the proceeds to the seller
// tally market funds
- marketFunds[profileId] -= fundsReceived;
+ marketFunds[profileId] -= (fundsReceived + protocolFee);