Bubbly Porcelain Blackbird
Inconsistent pausability
The EthosVouch.sol
inherits the AccessControl
contract, which allow pausing the critical function to be getting accessed during a misfortune.
There is whenNotPaused
check placed on the vouchByAddress/vouchByProfileId()
function, which creates a new vouch and increases the vouch balance under the newly created vouchId
function vouchByAddress(
address subjectAddress,
string calldata comment,
string calldata metadata
) public payable onlyNonZeroAddress(subjectAddress) whenNotPaused { ... }
function vouchByProfileId(
uint256 subjectProfileId,
string calldata comment,
string calldata metadata
) public payable whenNotPaused nonReentrant { ... }
However, the other function, increaseVouch()
, which performs a similar task, increasing the current vouch balance of a vouchId—is missing the whenNotPaused modifier.
function increaseVouch(uint256 vouchId) public payable nonReentrant { ... }
Under a attack, the increaseVouch()
call cannot be prevented
- function increaseVouch(uint256 vouchId) public payable nonReentrant { ... }
+ function increaseVouch(uint256 vouchId) public payable whenNotPaused nonReentrant { ... }