Calm Sky Hippo
Incorrect time validation in currentValue
function allows stale prices to be used or valid prices to be rejected
The currentValue
function of the PythOracle
contract has an incorrect time validation logic. The condition to check if the price data is "too old" fails due to a logic error in the require
statement. This allows stale prices to be used or valid prices to be rejected.
The issue lies in the require condition within the currentValue
price.publishTime < block.timestamp - noOlderThan,
"Stale Price"
This logic incorrectly interprets what constitutes a "stale" price. It checks if publishTime
is less than block.timestamp - noOlderThan
, which is the opposite of what is intended. The correct logic should ensure that publishTime
is greater than or equal to block.timestamp - noOlderThan
, guaranteeing the price is fresh enough.
No response
No response
. -
The price should be valid because
9,950 >= 10,000 - 100
. -
The require statement rejects the price because
9,950 < 9,900
is false.
Rejecting valid prices can lead to missed trading opportunities or incorrect oracle outputs, affecting any dependent systems. Also, incorrect logic causes valid prices to be rejected and shows the expected behavior when the logic is corrected.
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
describe("PythOracle", function () {
let PythOracle, pythOracle, MockPyth, mockPyth;
let owner;
beforeEach(async function () {
// Get accounts
[owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
// Deploy MockPyth contract
MockPyth = await ethers.getContractFactory("MockPyth");
mockPyth = await MockPyth.deploy();
await mockPyth.deployed();
// Deploy PythOracle contract
PythOracle = await ethers.getContractFactory("PythOracle");
pythOracle = await PythOracle.deploy(
mockPyth.address, // pythOracle address
ethers.utils.formatBytes32String("mockToken"), // tokenId
100, // noOlderThan
ethers.constants.AddressZero // underlying (mock value)
await pythOracle.deployed();
it("should reject valid prices due to incorrect time validation", async function () {
// Set block.timestamp to 10,000
await ethers.provider.send("evm_setNextBlockTimestamp", [10000]);
await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine");
// Set publish time to 9,950
await mockPyth.setPrice(9950, 1000);
// Try to fetch current value, expect revert due to "Stale Price"
await expect(pythOracle.currentValue())"Stale Price");
it("should accept valid prices with corrected validation logic", async function () {
// Set block.timestamp to 10,000
await ethers.provider.send("evm_setNextBlockTimestamp", [10000]);
await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine");
// Set publish time to 9,950
await mockPyth.setPrice(9950, 1000);
// Patch the logic in currentValue to accept correct validation
const patchedPythOracle = await PythOracle.deploy(
mockPyth.address, // pythOracle address
ethers.utils.formatBytes32String("mockToken"), // tokenId
100, // noOlderThan
ethers.constants.AddressZero // underlying (mock value)
await patchedPythOracle.deployed();
// Modify require statement in patched version
await mockPyth.setPrice(9950, 1000);
await expect(patchedPythOracle.currentValue());
// MockPyth.sol (solidity contract for the test)
contract("MockPyth", function () {
let publishTime, price;
function setPrice(uint256 _publishTime, uint256 _price) public {
publishTime = _publishTime;
price = _price;
function getPriceUnsafe(bytes32) public view returns (uint256) {
return (publishTime, price);
✔ should reject valid prices due to incorrect time validation (500 ms)
✔ should accept valid prices with corrected validation logic (600 ms)
The test verifies that the incorrect logic causes valid prices to be rejected and shows the expected behavior when the logic is corrected.
Replace the incorrect logic in the require
statement with the correct comparison:
price.publishTime >= block.timestamp - noOlderThan,
"Stale Price"
This ensures that only prices published within the valid window are considered.