Tame Foggy Pony
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The order ID generation is done as follows:
function generateOrderId(address sender) external view override returns (uint96) {
uint256 hashedValue = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sender, block.timestamp)));
return uint96(hashedValue);
This means that when sender
batches 2 transactions, they will both have the same ID due to the same sender
and same block.timestamp
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- Bob has a hanging approval for
- Alice creates an order setting Bob as recipient which transfers his token into the contract:
tokenIn.safeTransferFrom(recipient, address(this), amountIn);
- Alice creates a 2nd order for Bob, this time for a small amount of tokens, batching both in the same transaction
- Bob can not cancel his first order as it was overwritten
It can also happen accidentally by Bob creating 2 transactions and the first one being overwritten. This results in stuck funds for Bob. Note that this is not a user error as he did nothing wrong and used the system as intended.
Bob will have stuck funds that he can not claim
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Change the ID generation or check that this is indeed a unique ID