Flaky Merlot Parrot
The absence of validation for fee basis points (feeBips) in performUpkeep
and applyFee
will cause excessive fees for users as malicious actors or misconfigurations exploit the lack of a maximum limit.
1- Unbounded Fee Application:
The applyFee
function calculates fees using feeBips without validating whether it is within acceptable bounds:
- This allows excessively high or invalid feeBips values to be used.
2- Missing Validation in performUpkeep
The performUpkeep function directly passes order.feeBips to applyFee without validating its value: https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-11-oku/blob/main/oku-custom-order-types/contracts/automatedTrigger/Bracket.sol#L125-L128
3- No Constraints During Order Creation:
- There are no safeguards during order creation or update to ensure feeBips values are reasonable.
No response
No response
Attack Path
1- A malicious actor creates or modifies an order with feeBips = 10,000 (100% fee).
2- The order is executed via performUpkeep
, and applyFee
is called:
(uint256 feeAmount, uint256 adjustedAmount) = applyFee(swapAmountOut, 10_000);
3- The applyFee
function calculates:
//applyFee() in Brackets Contract
adjustedAmount = (swapAmountOut * (10000 - 10_000)) / 10_000; // adjustedAmount = 0
feeAmount = swapAmountOut - adjustedAmount; // feeAmount = swapAmountOut
The entire swapAmountOut
is deducted as a fee, leaving the user with no tokens.
Step-by-Step Issue Breakdown
Function: performUpkeep
Role: Executes trades and applies fees for completed orders.
Vulnerable Code:
(uint256 feeAmount, uint256 adjustedAmount) = applyFee(
If feeBips is unreasonably high (e.g., 10,000 for 100%), the entire swapAmountOut
could be deducted as a fee.
Function: applyFee
Role: Calculates and applies the fee based on feeBips.
Vulnerable Code:
adjustedAmount = (amount * (10000 - feeBips)) / 10000;
feeAmount = amount - adjustedAmount;
Impact: The calculation assumes feeBips is valid but does not enforce any constraints. Invalid or excessively high feeBips values directly impact the calculated fee and adjusted amount.
Excessive Fees: Users are charged unreasonable fees, potentially losing all their swapped tokens.
Loss of Trust: Users lose confidence in the platform’s reliability and fairness.
Exploitation Potential: Malicious actors can misuse high feeBips configurations to harm users or the system.
1- Create an order with: swapAmountOut = 1,000 tokens. feeBips = 10,000 (100%). 2- During execution, the applyFee function calculates:
adjustedAmount = (1_000 * (10_000 - 10_000)) / 10_000; // adjustedAmount = 0
feeAmount = 1_000 - adjustedAmount; // feeAmount = 1_000
3- The user receives no tokens (adjustedAmount = 0), and the entire swapAmountOut is deducted as a fee.
Proposed Fix
Fix in applyFee()
function applyFee(
uint256 amount,
uint16 feeBips
) internal pure returns (uint256 feeAmount, uint256 adjustedAmount) {
require(feeBips <= MAX_FEE_BIPS, "Excessive fee bips");
if (feeBips != 0) {
adjustedAmount = (amount * (10000 - feeBips)) / 10000;
feeAmount = amount - adjustedAmount;
} else {
return (0, amount);
Validation in performUpkeep
(uint256 feeAmount, uint256 adjustedAmount) = applyFee(
require(feeAmount <= swapAmountOut, "Fee exceeds amount");
Validation During Order Creation:
require(feeBips <= MAX_FEE_BIPS, "Fee bips too high");