Fierce Pecan Swallow
_createOrder() function in Bracket contract checks (using require statement) whether registered oracle exists for the tokenIn and tokenOut before creating the new order. But this require statement always return true even if Oracle of tokenOut does not exist because there is a typo error for the second check
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenIn)) != address(0x0) &&
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenIn)) != address(0x0),
"Oracle !exist"
Suggestion solution: Update tokenIn to tokenOut in the second condition check
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenIn)) != address(0x0) &&
**address(MASTER.oracles(tokenOut)) != address(0x0),**
"Oracle !exist"
The incorrect code is below
//verify both oracles exist, as we need both to calc the exchange rate
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenIn)) != address(0x0) &&
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenIn)) != address(0x0),
"Oracle !exist"
Attack POC might not be possible because getExchangeRate() will revert. Hence marking it as medium vulnerability. Recommended to fix this raised issue to avoid unexpected behaviours in future.
No major impact as getExchangeRate() is returning revert but better to resolve this main issue as might lead to unexpected consequences in future or someone might misuse this to their advantage and find the attacking path.
Attack POC might not be possible because of getExchangeRate() is validated on zero pricing
// const tokens = [await s.WETH.getAddress(), await s.USDC.getAddress(), await s.UNI.getAddress(), await s.ARB.getAddress()]
// const oracles = [await s.wethOracle.getAddress(), await s.usdcOracle.getAddress(), await s.uniOracle.getAddress(), await s.arbOracle.getAddress()]
const tokens = [await s.WETH.getAddress(), await s.UNI.getAddress(), await s.ARB.getAddress()]
const oracles = [await s.wethOracle.getAddress(), await s.uniOracle.getAddress(), await s.arbOracle.getAddress()]
describe("Execute Bracket check Order Create with registered oracle token", () => {
const stopDelta = ethers.parseUnits("500", 8)
const strikeDelta = ethers.parseUnits("100", 8)
const strikeBips = 500
const stopBips = 5000
const swapInBips = 500
let orderId: BigInt
before(async () => {
//steal money for s.Bob
await stealMoney(s.usdcWhale, await s.Bob.getAddress(), await s.USDC.getAddress(), s.usdcAmount)
//reset test oracle price
await s.wethOracle.setPrice(s.initialEthPrice)
await s.usdcOracle.setPrice(s.initialUsdcPrice)
await s.uniOracle.setPrice(s.initialUniPrice)
await s.arbOracle.setPrice(s.initialArbPrice)
let initial = await s.Master.checkUpkeep("0x")
it("AshishLach", async () => {
const currentPrice = await s.Master.getExchangeRate(await s.WETH.getAddress(), await s.USDC.getAddress())
await s.USDC.connect(s.Bob).approve(await s.Bracket.getAddress(), s.usdcAmount)
const swapInData = await generateUniTxData(
await s.WETH.getAddress(),
await s.Bracket.getAddress(),
await s.Master.getMinAmountReceived(s.usdcAmount, await s.USDC.getAddress(), await s.WETH.getAddress(), swapInBips)
const swapParams: SwapParams = {
swapTokenIn: await s.USDC.getAddress(),
swapAmountIn: s.usdcAmount,
swapTarget: s.router02,
swapBips: swapInBips,
txData: swapInData
const swapParamsTuple = [
swapParams.swapTokenIn, // Address (IERC20)
BigInt(swapParams.swapAmountIn), // uint256
swapParams.swapTarget, // Address
swapParams.swapBips, // uint32
swapParams.txData // bytes
const swapPayload = ethers.AbiCoder.defaultAbiCoder().encode(
["tuple(address,uint256,address,uint32,bytes)"], // Struct as a tuple
[swapParamsTuple] // Data as a single tuple
await s.Bracket.connect(s.Bob).createOrder(
currentPrice + strikeDelta,
currentPrice - stopDelta,
await s.WETH.getAddress(),
await s.USDC.getAddress(),
await s.Bob.getAddress(),
5,//5 bips fee
false,//no permit
console.log("finised succesfully");
const filter = s.Bracket.filters.OrderCreated
const events = await s.Bracket.queryFilter(filter, -1)
const event = events[0].args
orderId = event[0]
expect(Number(event[0])).to.not.eq(0, "Third order")
//verify pending order exists
const list = await s.Bracket.getPendingOrders()
expect(list.length).to.eq(1, "1 pending order")
//verify our input token was received
const balance = await s.WETH.balanceOf(await s.Bracket.getAddress())
expect(balance), 200000000000000000n, "WETH received")
Update tokenIn to tokenOut in the second condition check
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenIn)) != address(0x0) &&
address(MASTER.oracles(tokenOut)) != address(0x0),
"Oracle !exist"