Rich Smoke Cheetah
Since the tip that will be received in the bumpEarningPower
function must be less or equal to the minimum between the unclaimed fees and the maxBumpTip, if the rewards are too small, there is a lack of incentives to call this function.
Here we can see that the tip that will be received in the bumpEarningPower
must be less or equal to the minimum between the unclaimed fees and the maxBumpTip in the bumpEarningPower function.
uint256 _unclaimedRewards = deposit.scaledUnclaimedRewardCheckpoint / SCALE_FACTOR;
(uint256 _newEarningPower, bool _isQualifiedForBump) = earningPowerCalculator.getNewEarningPower(
deposit.balance, deposit.owner, deposit.delegatee, deposit.earningPower
if (!_isQualifiedForBump || _newEarningPower == deposit.earningPower) {
revert GovernanceStaker__Unqualified(_newEarningPower);
if (_newEarningPower > deposit.earningPower && _unclaimedRewards < _requestedTip) {
revert GovernanceStaker__InsufficientUnclaimedRewards();
// Note: underflow causes a revert if the requested tip is more than unclaimed rewards
if (_newEarningPower < deposit.earningPower && (_unclaimedRewards - _requestedTip) < maxBumpTip)
revert GovernanceStaker__InsufficientUnclaimedRewards();
Otherwise, the call will revert because of an underflow or a custom error. But if the reward is very small, then there is a clear lack of incentives to call this function.
Some deposits’ earning power will not be updated by bumpers, which can lead to problems in the protocol’s accounting.
Manual Review
In order to mitigate this issue, the protocol should implement a function that batches the protocol IDs in order to bump the earning power of many deposits at the same time and share the tip paid proportionally.