Dazzling Coral Sheep
the if (_isOracleStale() || isOraclePaused)
check return is wrong
in getEarningPower
and getNewEarningPower
we can see there is the if (_isOracleStale() || isOraclePaused)
check doesnt revert when oracle is stale or paused and returns _amountStaked
if oracle is stale or paused but the problem is it should't return the _amountStaked
because this already going to be returned if _isDelegateeEligible(_delegatee)
and not when oracle is stale or paused
the function doesnt revert when the oracle is stale or paused, hence oracle being stale or paused makes no changes
function getEarningPower(uint256 _amountStaked, address, /* _staker */ address _delegatee)
returns (uint256)
if (_isOracleStale() || isOraclePaused) return _amountStaked; //@audit why both returns amountstaked even when oracle stale and is eligble?
return _isDelegateeEligible(_delegatee) ? _amountStaked : 0; //@note calculates nothing here
as you saw it doesnt makes any sense at all that this check doesnt prevent anything at all https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-11-tally/blob/b125d1f2b52170a3789b1060a52fc6609e6e2262/staker/src/BinaryEligibilityOracleEarningPowerCalculator.sol#L130-L158
Manual Review
- consider modiying the contracts to the way that it reverts when oracle is stale or paused as intended