Scrawny Linen Snail
If repayLoanCallback address doesn't implement repayLoanCallback try/catch won't go into the catch and will revert the tx
If repaymentListenerForBid
contract doesn't implement the repayLoanCallback
, repaying of loan transaction will revert.
If a contract, which is set as loanRepaymentListener
from a lender doesn't implement repayLoanCallback
transaction will revert and catch block won't help.
This is serious and even crucial problem, because a malicous lender could prevent borrowers from repaying their loans, as repayLoanCallback is called inside _repayLoan
. This way he guarantees himself their collateral tokens.
No response
No response
No response
Lenders can stop borrowers from repaying their loans, forcing their loans to default and revert.
Let's have the following scenario:
- Lender sets the repaymentListenerForBid[_bidId] to a contract which doesn't have
function. - Borrower can't repay their debt.
This bug was found in the previous audit. Consider using the same fix as the previous time: teller-protocol/teller-protocol-v2-audit-2024#31