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80 lines (51 loc) · 3.11 KB

Custom Pineapple Newt


Lender group members can be prevented from burning their shares forever



Adversaries can constantly reset the withdrawal delay of lender group members by performing 0-value transferFrom transactions to invoke the afterTokenTransfer hook.


Currently there is a delay on withdrawals to prevent sandwich attacks in lender group contracts. Members must invoke prepareSharesForBurn by stating how many shares they want to burn and start an internal countdown. Afterwards, members invoke burnSharesToWithdrawEarnings which checks whether the delay passed in burn

    function burn(address _burner, uint256 _amount, uint256 withdrawDelayTimeSeconds) external onlyOwner {

        //require prepared 
        require(poolSharesPreparedToWithdrawForLender[_burner] >= _amount,"Shares not prepared for withdraw");
   @>   require(poolSharesPreparedTimestamp[_burner] <= block.timestamp - withdrawDelayTimeSeconds,"Shares not prepared for withdraw");

        //reset prepared   
        poolSharesPreparedToWithdrawForLender[_burner] = 0;
        poolSharesPreparedTimestamp[_burner] =  block.timestamp;

        _burn(_burner, _amount);

This countdown is reset every time a member invokes a share transfer through the _afterTokenTransfer hook presumably to prevent users preparing shares in advance by transferring it between one another.

     function _afterTokenTransfer(
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 amount
    ) internal override {

         //reset prepared   
        poolSharesPreparedToWithdrawForLender[from] = 0;
        poolSharesPreparedTimestamp[from] =  block.timestamp;


Adversaries can perform 0-value transferFrom transactions which will always pass as there are no 0-value checks in OZ's version 4.8 ERC20.sol used by the protocol. Users will have their countdown constantly reset thus being prevented from withdrawing forever or until a bribe is paid.

Root Cause

  • OpenZeppelin's ERC20.transferFrom has no 0-value input validation
  • LenderCommitmentGroupShares._afterTokenTransfer does not perform 0-value input either.

Internal pre-conditions

Group members must have invoked prepareSharesForBurn

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. Group member invokes prepareSharesForBurn starting the countdown
  2. Adversary invokes transferFrom(victim, to, 0) minutes before the cooldown expires
  3. Cooldown and shares are reset because _afterTokenTransfer was triggered
  4. Group member is forced to re-prepare their shares
  5. Attacker repeats this continuously or until a bribe is paid


Lender commit group members will have their funds permanently locked in the contract


No response


Rewrite the _afterTokenTransfer hook to be skipped in case of amount = 0