Custom Pineapple Newt
Inserting larger amount in repayLoan
allows to repay more than what was lent to user, disturbing the internal accounting of a lender group
Lender commitment groups use 2 variables to track how many tokens are currently being lent out - totalPrincipalTokensLended
and totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
Effectively, the latter should always be smaller or equal than the former. Whenever the 2 variables are equal it means that there are currently no active loans which is used in getTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans
function getTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans()
returns (uint256)
return totalPrincipalTokensLended - totalPrincipalTokensRepaid;
This method can be forced to always revert if user repays at least 1 wei more than they were originally lent, causing an underflow during substraction.
The code currently allows for repaying more due to a logic error within _repayLoan
The method is passed a Payment
struct which consists of 2 variables whose sum totals the amount
borrower is willing to overpay (principal + interest)
function _repayLoan(
uint256 _bidId,
@> Payment memory _payment,
uint256 _owedAmount,
bool _shouldWithdrawCollateral
) internal virtual {
Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
@> uint256 paymentAmount = _payment.principal + _payment.interest; // memory variable summing the 2 values
RepMark mark = reputationManager.updateAccountReputation(
// Check if we are sending a payment or amount remaining
if (paymentAmount >= _owedAmount) {
@> paymentAmount = _owedAmount; // memory variable is overwritten to match the owed amount
if (bid.state != BidState.LIQUIDATED) {
bid.state = BidState.PAID;
if (_shouldWithdrawCollateral) {
emit LoanRepaid(_bidId);
} else {
emit LoanRepayment(_bidId);
@> _sendOrEscrowFunds(_bidId, _payment); // @audit-issue unmodified payment struct is passed, memory variable paymentAmount not used anywhere
The paymentAmount >= _owedAmount
check is not performed correctly since paymentAmount
is practically not used anywhere further down in the code. Unmodified _payment
struct is passed in _sendOrEscrowFunds
which triggers the repayLoanCallback for the lender group incrementing totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
by the amount in the _payment
Once totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
is higher than totalPrincipalTokensLended
, any attempts to issue loans will revert due to getTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans
underflowing. Attack can be performed by backrunning commitment group creations and funding by taking a loan and repaying it immediately with an extra wei, bricking it forever since the underflowing function is used in getMinInterestRate
which is called in acceptFundsForAcceptBid
Similar finding was part of the previous audit contest yet it was not fixed. Risk of DoS is still very much present and fix is rather simple. Furthermore the README states an invariant that should hold:
Very importantly, we expect the following invariant: the 'EstimatedTotalValue' of a LenderGroupPool should accurately track the value of principal tokens in a pool.
Even if a DoS is not performed, the value of principal tokens will not be tracked correctly since overpays will underestimate the free funds within the contract, lowering the utilization ratio too.
does not indicate whether a payment is the last one for a loansendOrEscrowFunds
performs a sanity check incorrectly and uses unmodified payment struct
- Lender commitment group is deployed and funded by owner
- Adversary takes a loan for 100e6 USDC, immediately repays it through `repayLoan(bidId, 100e6+1)
- Lender commitment group can no longer issue loans since
relies ongetTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans
which now underflows due to100e6 - (100e6+1) < 0
DoS of entire group
No response
If user invokes repayLoan
with amount
exceeding his total dues, perform repayLoanFull