Dandy Caramel Tortoise
Lack of access control in revokeLender
allows an attacker to revoke any participant from a market
The delegation version of the revokeLender
function fails to perform any access control checks allowing any user to revoke any user
function _revokeStakeholderViaDelegation(
uint256 _marketId,
address _stakeholderAddress,
bool _isLender,
uint8 _v,
bytes32 _r,
bytes32 _s
) internal {
bytes32 uuid = _revokeStakeholderVerification(
// NOTE: Disabling the call to revoke the attestation on EAS contracts
// address attestor = markets[_marketId].owner;
// tellerAS.revokeByDelegation(uuid, attestor, _v, _r, _s);
Attestation should be enabled to observe the impact
No response
- Attacker calls
by passing in any address they wish to revoke from the market
Attacker can revoke any address they wish from any market making the market unuseable
No response
Perform access control checks