Dandy Caramel Tortoise
Incorrect check will cause the loanRepaymentListener
to receive less than 80k gas limit
The check performed before making the call to loanRepaymentListener
is that there is atleast 80k gasleft
if (loanRepaymentListener != address(0)) {
require(gasleft() >= 80000, "NR gas"); //fixes the 63/64 remaining issue
gas: 80000
}( //limit gas costs to prevent lender preventing repayments
But this will fail to send 80k gas to the loanRepaymentListener
due to the 63/64 rule ie. if 81250 gas is present, then only (81250 * 63/64 == 79980) gas will be sent. If the loanRepaymentListener
expects exactly 80k gas for its execution, it will cause its execution to revert
should need very close to 80k gas for its execution
No response
- The loan is repaid with a gas amount such that the gas sent to
is less than 80k
Attacker can intentionally make the execution of loanRepaymentListener
No response
Keep a buffer and not the exact amount so that there is exactly 80k gas to be sent to the loanRepaymentListener