Dandy Caramel Tortoise
Using original principal amount as due amount inside liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive
breaks contract accounting leading to lost assets/broken functionalities
Using original principal amount as due amount inside liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive
breaks contract accounting leading to lost assets/broken functionalities
In liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive
, the amount due is taken as the original principal amount of the bid rather than the remaining to be repaid principal which is incorrect as part of this principal could have already been paid back
function liquidateDefaultedLoanWithIncentive(
uint256 _bidId,
int256 _tokenAmountDifference
) external whenForwarderNotPaused whenNotPaused bidIsActiveForGroup(_bidId) nonReentrant onlyOracleApprovedAllowEOA {
//use original principal amount as amountDue
uint256 amountDue = _getAmountOwedForBid(_bidId);
function _getAmountOwedForBid(uint256 _bidId )
returns (uint256 amountDue)
// @audit this is the entire principal amount which is incorrect
(,,,, amountDue, , , )
= ITellerV2(TELLER_V2).getLoanSummary(_bidId);
Parts of the original principal could have been repaid and accounted via this function leading to double counting of principal in totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
function repayLoanCallback(
uint256 _bidId,
address repayer,
uint256 principalAmount,
uint256 interestAmount
) external onlyTellerV2 whenForwarderNotPaused whenNotPaused bidIsActiveForGroup(_bidId) {
totalPrincipalTokensRepaid += principalAmount;
totalInterestCollected += interestAmount;
This leads to several problems:
- Underflow in
totalPrincipalTokensLended - totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
can double count repaid tokens causing bids to revert - Lost assets due to
calculating difference fromtotalPrincipal
without considering the repaid assets
No response
No response
- A loan is created with principal amount == 100 tokenBalanceOfContract == 0
totalPrincipalTokensCommitted == 100 totalPrincipalTokensWithdrawn == 0 totalPrincipalTokensLended == 100 totalPrincipalTokensRepaid == 0 tokenDifferenceFromLiquidations == 0
- Repayment of 80 principal occurs before the loan gets defaulted tokenBalanceOfContract == 80
totalPrincipalTokensCommitted == 100 totalPrincipalTokensWithdrawn == 0 totalPrincipalTokensLended == 100 totalPrincipalTokensRepaid == 80 tokenDifferenceFromLiquidations == 0
- Loan defaults and auction settles at price 50 (similarly problematic paths are lenders withdrawing 80 first or the auction settling at higher prices) tokenBalanceOfContract == 80 + 50 == 130
totalPrincipalTokensCommitted == 100 totalPrincipalTokensWithdrawn == 0 totalPrincipalTokensLended == 100 totalPrincipalTokensRepaid == 80 + 100 == 180 => incorrect tokenDifferenceFromLiquidations == (100 - 50 == -50) => incorrect
- available amount to withdraw will be calculated as (totalPrincipalTokensCommitted + tokenDifferenceFromLiquidations == 50) while there is actually 130 amount of assets available to withdraw causing loss for lenders
- getPrincipalAmountAvailableToBorrow will underflow because (totalPrincipalTokensLended - totalPrincipalTokensRepaid == -80) and no new bids can be accepted
There are more scenarios that arise from the same root cause such as estimated value becoming 0 incorrectly, which will cause division by 0 and hence revert on withdrawals, deposits will be lost or 0 shares will be minted etc.
Lost assets for users, broken functionalities
No response
Instead of the totalPrincipal consider the remaining principal ie. totalPrincipal - repaidPrincipal