Joyful Olive Meerkat
A borrower, lender, or liquidator may be unable to withdraw collateral assets if the gas limit is exceeded.
Within the TellerV2#submitBid()
, there is no limitation that how many collateral assets a borrower can assign into the _collateralInfo
array parameter.
This lead to some bad scenarios like this due to reaching gas limit:
- A borrower or a lender fail to withdraw the collateral assets when the loan would not be liquidated.
- A liquidator will fail to withdraw the collateral assets when the loan would be liquidated.
Within the ICollateralEscrowV1, the Collateral struct would be defined line this:
struct Collateral {
CollateralType _collateralType;
uint256 _amount;
uint256 _tokenId;
address _collateralAddress;
Within the CollateralManager
, the CollateralInfo struct would be defined like this:
* Since collateralInfo is mapped (address assetAddress => Collateral) that means
* that only a single tokenId per nft per loan can be collateralized.
* Ex. Two bored apes cannot be used as collateral for a single loan.
struct CollateralInfo {
EnumerableSetUpgradeable.AddressSet collateralAddresses;
mapping(address => Collateral) collateralInfo;
Within the CollateralManager, the _bidCollaterals storage would be defined like this:
// bidIds -> validated collateral info
mapping(uint256 => CollateralInfo) internal _bidCollaterals;
When a borrower submits a bid, the TellerV2#submitBid()
would be called.
Within the TellerV2#submitBid()
, multiple collaterals, which are ERC20/ERC721/ERC1155, can be assigned into the _collateralInfo
array parameter by a borrower.
And then, these collateral assets stored into the _collateralInfo
array would be associated with bidId_
through internally calling the CollateralManager#commitCollateral()
like this:
function submitBid(
address _lendingToken,
uint256 _marketplaceId,
uint256 _principal,
uint32 _duration,
uint16 _APR,
string calldata _metadataURI,
address _receiver,
Collateral[] calldata _collateralInfo <@ audit
) public override whenNotPaused returns (uint256 bidId_) {
bool validation = collateralManager.commitCollateral(
_collateralInfo /// @audit
Within the commitCollateral(), each collateral asset (info
) would be associated with a _bidId
respectively by calling the CollateralManager#_commitCollateral()
in the for-loop like this:
* @notice Checks the validity of a borrower's multiple collateral balances and commits it to a bid.
* @param _bidId The id of the associated bid.
* @param _collateralInfo Additional information about the collateral assets.
* @return validation_ Boolean indicating if the collateral balances were validated.
function commitCollateral(
uint256 _bidId,
Collateral[] calldata _collateralInfo <@ audit
) public onlyTellerV2 returns (bool validation_) {
address borrower = tellerV2.getLoanBorrower(_bidId);
require(borrower != address(0), "Loan has no borrower");
(validation_, ) = checkBalances(borrower, _collateralInfo);
//if the collateral info is valid, call commitCollateral for each one
if (validation_) {
for (uint256 i; i < _collateralInfo.length; i++) {
Collateral memory info = _collateralInfo[i];
_commitCollateral(_bidId, info); <@ audit
Within the CollateralManager#_commitCollateral()
, the _collateralInfo
would be stored into the _bidCollaterals
storage like this:
When the deposited-collateral would be withdrawn by a borrower or a lender, the CollateralManager#withdraw()
would be called.
Within the CollateralManager#withdraw()
, the CollateralManager#_withdraw()
would be called like this:
* @notice Withdraws deposited collateral from the created escrow of a bid that has been successfully repaid.
* @param _bidId The id of the bid to withdraw collateral for.
function withdraw(uint256 _bidId) external whenProtocolNotPaused {
BidState bidState = tellerV2.getBidState(_bidId);
require(bidState == BidState.PAID, "collateral cannot be withdrawn");
_withdraw(_bidId, tellerV2.getLoanBorrower(_bidId)); <@ audit
emit CollateralClaimed(_bidId);
When the deposited-collateral would be liquidated by a liquidator, the CollateralManager#liquidateCollateral()
would be called.
Within the CollateralManager#liquidateCollateral()
, the CollateralManager#_withdraw()
would be called like this:
* @notice Sends the deposited collateral to a liquidator of a bid.
* @notice Can only be called by the protocol.
* @param _bidId The id of the liquidated bid.
* @param _liquidatorAddress The address of the liquidator to send the collateral to.
function liquidateCollateral(uint256 _bidId, address _liquidatorAddress)
if (isBidCollateralBacked(_bidId)) {
BidState bidState = tellerV2.getBidState(_bidId);
bidState == BidState.LIQUIDATED,
"Loan has not been liquidated"
_withdraw(_bidId, _liquidatorAddress); <@audit
Within the CollateralManager#_withdraw()
, each collateral asset (collateralInfo._collateralAddress
) would be withdrawn by internally calling the ICollateralEscrowV1#withdraw()
in a for-loop like this:
* @notice Withdraws collateral to a given receiver's address.
* @param _bidId The id of the bid to withdraw collateral for.
* @param _receiver The address to withdraw the collateral to.
function _withdraw(uint256 _bidId, address _receiver) internal virtual {
for (
uint256 i;
i < _bidCollaterals[_bidId].collateralAddresses.length(); <@audit
) {
// Get collateral info
Collateral storage collateralInfo = _bidCollaterals[_bidId]
// Withdraw collateral from escrow and send it to bid lender
ICollateralEscrowV1(_escrows[_bidId]).withdraw( <@ audit
However, within the TellerV2#submitBid()
, there is no limitation that how many collateral assets a borrower can assign into the _collateralInfo
array parameter.
This lead to a bad scenario like below:
- ① A borrower assign too many number of the collateral assets (ERC20/ERC721/ERC1155) into the
array parameter when the borrower call the TellerV2#submitBid()
to submit a bid. - ② Then, a lender accepts the bid via calling the TellerV2#
- ③ Then, a borrower or a lender try to withdraw the collateral, which is not liquidated, by calling the CollateralManager#
. Or, a liquidator try to withdraw the collateral, which is liquidated, by calling the CollateralManager#liquidateCollateral()
- ④ But, the transaction of the CollateralManager#
or the CollateralManager#liquidateCollateral()
will be reverted in the for-loop of the CollateralManager#_withdraw()
because that transaction will reach a gas limit.
No response
No response
No response
Due to reaching gas limit, some bad scenarios would occur like this:
- A borrower or a lender fail to withdraw the collateral assets when the loan would not be liquidated.
- A liquidator will fail to withdraw the collateral assets when the loan would be liquidated.
No response
Within the TellerV2#submitBid()
, consider adding a limitation about how many collateral assets a borrower can assign into the _collateralInfo
array parameter.