Cuddly Ginger Tadpole
The issue shows how the value of the total principal amount outstanding in active loans can revert if there were previously partial repayments made by a borrower resulting in a value of the total principal tokens repaid exceeding the total principal tokens lent and therefore in an underflow. This situation occurs when liquidating a defaulted loan.
The root cause lies in the fact that repayments can be partial and the value of total principal tokens repaid can be increased via repay callback on these amounts. And when the loan is liquidated, this value is increased on the full principal amount of the loan again.
No response
No response
The issue occurs when a borrower makes partial repayments and then the loan is defaulted creating a situation when totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
> totalPrincipalTokensLended
The crucial function getTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans()
would become unusable.
Let's take a look at the current formula inside of the getTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans()
function getTotalPrincipalTokensOutstandingInActiveLoans()
returns (uint256)
return totalPrincipalTokensLended - totalPrincipalTokensRepaid;
is increased when the bid is accepted and the totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
value is increased when there are repayments made to the loan or the loan is defaulted and liquidated:
//can use principal amt to increment amt paid back!! nice for math .
totalPrincipalTokensRepaid += principalAmount;
Let's say there were 300 USDT lent to a borrower and there were several partial repayments made via TellerV2
contract resulting in a total amount repaid being 150 USDT. There is a callback that increases the principal amount:
function repayLoanCallback(
uint256 _bidId,
address repayer,
uint256 principalAmount,
uint256 interestAmount
) external onlyTellerV2 whenForwarderNotPaused whenNotPaused bidIsActiveForGroup(_bidId) {
totalPrincipalTokensRepaid += principalAmount;
totalInterestCollected += interestAmount;
emit LoanRepaid(
However, if a borrower fails to repay the remaining 150 USDT, the loan is defaulted and the liquidator would need to pay the principal amount according to this function:
function _getAmountOwedForBid(uint256 _bidId )
returns (uint256 amountDue)
(,,,, amountDue, , , )
= ITellerV2(TELLER_V2).getLoanSummary(_bidId);
function getLoanSummary(uint256 _bidId)
returns (
address borrower,
address lender,
uint256 marketId,
address principalTokenAddress,
uint256 principalAmount,
uint32 acceptedTimestamp,
uint32 lastRepaidTimestamp,
BidState bidState
Bid storage bid = bids[_bidId];
borrower = bid.borrower;
lender = getLoanLender(_bidId);
marketId = bid.marketplaceId;
principalTokenAddress = address(bid.loanDetails.lendingToken);
principalAmount = bid.loanDetails.principal;
acceptedTimestamp = bid.loanDetails.acceptedTimestamp;
lastRepaidTimestamp = V2Calculations.lastRepaidTimestamp(bids[_bidId]);
bidState = bid.state;
The principalAmount
value here is the total principal amount of the vault (in our example, it's 300 USDT). This creates a situation where totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
becomes 450 USDT and totalPrincipalTokensLended
remains 300 USDT resulting in a function underflow and revert.
Make sure the totalPrincipalTokensRepaid
is less than the amount lended by taking into account the possibility of the partial repayments.