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Tiny Mulberry Buffalo


Determining how many votes to buy may run OOG.


The current way buying votes works is that a user sends a certain msg.value and a minimum and maximum amount they wish to buy, and the contract loops through the values to find the maximum amount the user can actually buy.

    (, , , uint256 total) = _calculateBuy(markets[profileId], isPositive, minVotesToBuy);
    if (total > msg.value) revert InsufficientFunds();

      uint256 purchaseCostBeforeFees,
      uint256 protocolFee,
      uint256 donation,
      uint256 totalCostIncludingFees
    ) = _calculateBuy(markets[profileId], isPositive, maxVotesToBuy);
    uint256 currentVotesToBuy = maxVotesToBuy;
    // if the cost is greater than the maximum votes to buy,
    // decrement vote count and recalculate until we identify the max number of votes they can afford
    while (totalCostIncludingFees > msg.value) {
      (purchaseCostBeforeFees, protocolFee, donation, totalCostIncludingFees) = _calculateBuy(

The problem is that this way is highly gas inefficient. And even though protocol is to be deployed on Base where gas costs are low, it would still be possible to reach significant gas costs.

Looping to check a certain buy's gas costs, costs around ~33k gas (PoC attached below). Considering users can easily be buying tens of thousands of votes, these checks could possibly reach the Base gas limit, which would not only make the tx impossible to execute, but even if it was possible it would cost a substantial amount of funds. As the gas limit is 240,000,000, it would require ~7000 iterations to run OOG.

Root Cause

Gas inefficient system design.

Attack Path

  1. There is a market with base price of 0.0001 eth.
  2. The market is one-sided and a Trust vote costs 1/10th of that - 0.00001 eth.
  3. A user wants to buy votes for 1 ETH. That would be 100,000 votes.
  4. User applies 10% slippage, this makes the minVotesToBuy 90,000.
  5. Due to the price movements, the user can only buy 91,000 votes. As this requires 9,000 iterations, the tx will run OOG, as it cannot fit in a single Base block.
  6. In the scenario where the gas required is just enough to fit in a block, this would cost the user 240_000_000 * 0.12e9 = 0.0288e18 = 0.0288 ETH. (assuming historical base gas costs of 0.12 gwei). At current prices this is ~$100.


Impossible to execute certain transactions due to OOG. High gas costs.

Affected Code


As the codebase lacked a Foundry test suite, I integrated the necessary contract parts in my own test suite.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/LMSR.sol";

contract MyTest is Test {
    uint256 basePrice = 1e18;
    struct Market { 
        uint256[2] votes;

    function test_gasCalc() public { 
        uint256 initYesVotes = 50;
        uint256 initNoVotes = 30;

        Market memory testMarket;
        testMarket.votes[0] = initYesVotes;
        testMarket.votes[1] = initNoVotes;

        uint256 gasLeft = gasleft();    

        uint256[] memory voteDelta = new uint256[](2);

        voteDelta[0] = testMarket.votes[0];
        voteDelta[1] = testMarket.votes[1] + 1;

        int256 costRatio = LMSR.getCost(

        uint256 positiveCostRatio = costRatio > 0 ? uint256(costRatio) : uint256(costRatio * -1 );

        uint256 cost = positiveCostRatio * basePrice / 1e18;

        uint256 gasLeft2 = gasleft();
        uint256 gasConsumed = gasLeft - gasLeft2;


Consider using a binary search.