Ambitious Cotton Hyena
The Slippage Protection uses proceedsBeforeFees
instead of proceedsAfterFees
, which makes user get paid for vote with price less than intended
When users sell there votes they provide a minimum price per vote to protect themselves from slippage and price changes. This is made by getting the number of votes that the user will sell, and then divide the total price of them to the number of the votes he sold, to represent an average price of each vote. Then this value is compared against the one provided by the user.
The problem is that when selling votes, there is an exit fees is taken from the amount we took so proceedsBeforeFees
is greater than proceedsAfterFees
in that case, and the user takes proceedsAfterFees
ReputationMarket::sellVotes() ReputationMarket.sol#L553-L556
function sellVotes( ... ) public whenNotPaused activeMarket(profileId) nonReentrant {
(uint256 proceedsBeforeFees, uint256 protocolFee, uint256 proceedsAfterFees) = _calculateSell( ... );
>> uint256 pricePerVote = votesToSell > 0 ? proceedsBeforeFees / votesToSell : 0;
if (pricePerVote < minimumVotePrice) {
revert SellSlippageLimitExceeded(minimumVotePrice, pricePerVote);
// -------------------------------
function _calculateSell( ... ) ... {
proceedsBeforeFees = _calcCost(market, isPositive, false, votesToSell);
>> (proceedsAfterFees, protocolFee) = previewExitFees(proceedsBeforeFees);
// -------------------------------
function previewExitFees(
uint256 proceedsBeforeFees
) private view returns (uint256 totalProceedsAfterFees, uint256 protocolFee) {
protocolFee = (proceedsBeforeFees * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
>> totalProceedsAfterFees = proceedsBeforeFees - protocolFee;
represents the total amount we will subtract from the market, but proceedsAfterFees
represent the exact amount the user will take. And in the slippage check we are comparing the value against proceedsBeforeFees
which will make the price of each votes gets calculated with a value greater than the value that will be given to the user.
- userA bought 10 Votes
- userA wants to sell these 10 votes where each vote should give him at least
- userA fired
and mademinimumVotePrice
- Votes are getting Sold
- Protoolc Exit Fees are
- Decreasing these
votes gives the total amount of1000
. i.e: proceedsBeforeFees` equals 1000 proceedsAfterFees
will beproceedsBeforeFees * 3%
= 970- Doing a Slippage check uses
which is1000
so1000 / 10
which makes the slippage check passes - Sending the money for that
votes to the user by sending himproceedsAfterFees
which is970
- The actual average price of the vote the user takes is
970 / 10
instead of100
- The user takes less than he intended because the slippage check considers protocol fees too.
Implement the slippage check using proceedsAfterFees
instead of proceedsBeforeFees
diff --git a/ethos/packages/contracts/contracts/ReputationMarket.sol b/ethos/packages/contracts/contracts/ReputationMarket.sol
index 8590a90..3ef8f10 100644
--- a/ethos/packages/contracts/contracts/ReputationMarket.sol
+++ b/ethos/packages/contracts/contracts/ReputationMarket.sol
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ contract ReputationMarket is AccessControl, UUPSUpgradeable, ReentrancyGuard, IT
- uint256 pricePerVote = votesToSell > 0 ? proceedsBeforeFees / votesToSell : 0;
+ uint256 pricePerVote = votesToSell > 0 ? proceedsAfterFees / votesToSell : 0;
if (pricePerVote < minimumVotePrice) {
revert SellSlippageLimitExceeded(minimumVotePrice, pricePerVote);