Beautiful Powder Falcon
The previewExitFees
function overestimates the exit fees because it incorrectly assumes that the proceedsBeforeFees
value includes only the base price, while it actually includes the tax amount. This leads to an inflated protocolFee
calculation, resulting in an incorrect totalProceedsAfterFees
When buying and selling votes, the Ethos protocol applies tax differently, depending on whether the tax is added to the price (in the case of buyVotes
) or removed from the price (in the case of sellVotes
). Here's how the tax should be applied in each case:
- Buying Votes (
): Tax is added to the purchase price. The user pays the price plus the tax.
Example: If the purchase price is $100 and the tax rate is 5%, the user ends up paying $105, with $5 being tax.
- Selling Votes (
): The price already includes tax, so the tax is subtracted from the total price to determine the amount the user should receive.
Example: If the price including tax is $105 and the tax rate is 5%, the tax component is $5, leaving $100 as the amount to be paid to the user.
The issue with the current implementation of previewExitFees
is that it calculates the protocol fee assuming the proceedsBeforeFees
does not include tax. However, proceedsBeforeFees
already includes tax, leading to the calculation of the protocol fee based on an inflated value.
function previewExitFees(
uint256 proceedsBeforeFees
) private view returns (uint256 totalProceedsAfterFees, uint256 protocolFee) {
>>> protocolFee = (proceedsBeforeFees * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
totalProceedsAfterFees = proceedsBeforeFees - protocolFee;
To correct this, the protocol fee calculation must exclude the tax already included in proceedsBeforeFees
. The proper formula to account for this is:
function previewExitFees(
uint256 proceedsBeforeFees
) private view returns (uint256 totalProceedsAfterFees, uint256 protocolFee) {
- protocolFee = (proceedsBeforeFees * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
+ protocolFee = (proceedsBeforeFees * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / (100 * BASIS_POINTS_BASE + exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints);
totalProceedsAfterFees = proceedsBeforeFees - protocolFee;
In ReputationMarket::previewExitFees, the protocolFee
is calculated as if the tax is not already included in the proceedsBeforeFees
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No response
The current implementation of the previewExitFees
function overestimates the protocolFee
and underestimates the totalProceedsAfterFees
, leading to a loss of funds for the user. For instance, if proceedsBeforeFees
is $105, the protocolFee
is calculated as $5.25 (instead of $5), which is 5% higher than the correct fee amount. This overestimation results in the user receiving less than they should.
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To correct this, the protocol fee calculation must exclude the tax already included in proceedsBeforeFees
. The proper formula to account for this is:
function previewExitFees(
uint256 proceedsBeforeFees
) private view returns (uint256 totalProceedsAfterFees, uint256 protocolFee) {
- protocolFee = (proceedsBeforeFees * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / BASIS_POINTS_BASE;
+ protocolFee = (proceedsBeforeFees * exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints) / (100 * BASIS_POINTS_BASE + exitProtocolFeeBasisPoints);
totalProceedsAfterFees = proceedsBeforeFees - protocolFee;