Bitter Rouge Alpaca
The OracleUtils ethToToken()/ethToTokenRoundUp()
incorrectly returns an output tokenAmount
in a ETH decimal instead of the tokenDecimals
. So if token==BTC
, it returns btcAmount in 18 decimal which is incorrect, and could do severe damage to the protocol.
The nuAssetManager.sol
uses ethToToken/ethToTokenRoundUp()
function to convert input ethAmount to tokenAmount. To find the root cause, If we compare tokenToEth()
and ethToToken()
ending calculation of decimal conversion for "X / ETH"
It should be as,
ethAmount = (tokenAmount * tokenPrice * ethDecimal) / (feedDecimal * tokenDecimal) // ------------------(1)
tokenAmount = (ethAmount * feedDecimal * tokenDecimal) / (tokenPrice * ethDecimal) // ------------------(2)
where the tokenToEth()
done as above (1), however, its incorrectly done for the ethToToken()
} else {
tokenAmount = FullMath.mulDiv(
10 ** AggregatorV3Interface(_pricefeed).decimals(),
tokenAmount = tokenAmount * 10 ** (18 - _decimals); // ------------------(3)
Since inputToken
here is ETH, the _decimals==18
. From (3), we can deduce the tokenAmount
returned in the same decimal as _ethAmount
. If the outputToken
is BTC
or high value token with decimal lower than 18, the protocol will face severe damage due to high value leak.
No response
No response
No response
Fund loss due to incorrect pricing
Create a test file, under contracts/Test/utils/BuggyPricing.t.sol
and run forge test --via-ir --mt testBuggyPriceConversion --fork-block-number 21413043 --fork-url -vv
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.20;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../../libraries/OracleUtils.sol";
contract BuggyPricingTest is Test , OracleUtils {
OracleUtils public util;
address public constant BTC_ETH = 0xdeb288F737066589598e9214E782fa5A8eD689e8;
address public constant ETH_BTC = 0xAc559F25B1619171CbC396a50854A3240b6A4e99;
constructor() OracleUtils(address(0)) {}
function setUp() public {
util = new OracleUtils(address(0));
function testBuggyPriceConversion() public {
uint256 btcAmount = 1e8;
uint256 btcDecimal = 8;
uint256 ethDecimal = 18;
address priceFeed = BTC_ETH;
uint256 ethAmount = tokenToEth(btcAmount, priceFeed, uint128(block.timestamp), btcDecimal);
uint256 incorrectBtcAmount = ethToToken(ethAmount, priceFeed, uint128(block.timestamp), ethDecimal); // as per [here](
uint256 correctedBtcAmount = ethToTokenCorrected(ethAmount, priceFeed, uint128(block.timestamp), btcDecimal); // should be tokenDecimal instead
console.log("actual btcAmount: ", incorrectBtcAmount);
console.log("expected btcAmount: ", correctedBtcAmount);
function ethToTokenCorrected(
uint256 _ethAmount,
address _pricefeed,
uint128 _chainlink_heartbeat,
uint256 _decimals // should be token decimal not ETH
) public view checkSequencerActive returns (uint256 tokenAmount) {
uint80 roundID,
int256 price,
uint256 timeStamp,
uint80 answeredInRound
) = AggregatorV3Interface(_pricefeed).latestRoundData();
// heartbeat check
timeStamp >= block.timestamp - _chainlink_heartbeat,
"Stale pricefeed"
// minAnswer/maxAnswer check
IChainlinkAggregator aggregator = IChainlinkAggregator(
((price > int256(aggregator.minAnswer())) &&
(price < int256(aggregator.maxAnswer()))),
"min/max reached"
require(answeredInRound >= roundID, "Answer given before round");
//if ETH is on the left side of the fraction in the price feed
if (ethLeftSide(_pricefeed)) {
tokenAmount = FullMath.mulDiv(
10 ** AggregatorV3Interface(_pricefeed).decimals()
} else {
tokenAmount = FullMath.mulDiv(
10 ** AggregatorV3Interface(_pricefeed).decimals(),
// audit fix
tokenAmount = tokenAmount / 10 ** (18 - _decimals); // note that the _decimals here represent tokenDecimals
In ethToToken()
and ethToTokenRoundUp()
, modify below line
- tokenAmount = tokenAmount * 10 ** (18 - _decimals);
+ tokenAmount = tokenAmount / 10 ** (18 - _decimals);